When a Householder Speaks Another Language
1. Why is there an increasing need for cooperation when working the territory?
1 More and more frequently, Kingdom publishers around the world are finding interested people who speak a language other than that of the congregation. In order to assist such ones spiritually, many branches are finding it necessary to form language groups and congregations. Since a number of languages may be spoken in one area, several congregations of different languages may preach in the same territory. How may the congregations cooperate in order to make sure that the preaching work is carried out in an orderly manner?—1 Cor. 14:33.
2. When preaching from door to door, how may we cooperate with a different language group or congregation in our area?
2 Good Cooperation: When doing street work or when witnessing informally, a publisher should feel free to approach anyone, including those who may speak another language, and offer literature in the language that the person prefers to read. However, when going from house to house in neighborhoods that are also worked by some other language group or congregation, a publisher should generally focus on the homes of those who speak the language of the congregation that the publisher attends. When different congregations preach in the same neighborhood, good record keeping is paramount. The service overseers should communicate with each other and coordinate matters in a mutually agreeable way. (Prov. 11:14) However, if someone who speaks another language is encountered while going from door to door and there are no congregations of that language nearby, the publisher should endeavor to give a witness and to care for the interest.
3. How should we react when we encounter publishers from a different language group or congregation working in the same territory as we are?
3 The Same Work: How should matters be handled when publishers from different congregations happen to be preaching in the same neighborhood on the same day? Of course, Christian love will transcend any language barrier, and all will be primarily concerned about the needs of the territory. (John 13:34, 35) Therefore, those taking the lead will demonstrate reasonableness and love in deciding whether one group should temporarily move to a different territory.—Jas. 3:17, 18.
4. What prophecy is being fulfilled today?
4 The Bible prophesied that people of different tongues would hear the good news. (Rev. 14:6, 7) By close cooperation among all involved, unnecessary duplication of effort can be avoided and many new ones will be reached with the good news, including those who speak another language.—Eph. 4:16.