Special Assembly Day Program for 2010
1. (a) What Scriptural special assembly day themes have been developed in recent years? (b) Are there any particular highlights from previous special assembly days that assisted you in your ministry?
1 “Make Sure of the More Important Things,” “Standing Firm as One Flock,” “Keep Bearing Witness to the Truth,” and “We Are the Clay—Jehovah Is Our Potter.” (Phil. 1:9, 10, 27; John 18:37; Isa. 64:8) These are but a few of the many themes discussed at past special assembly days. Are you eager to attend the special assembly day for the 2010 service year? It will develop the theme: “The Time Left Is Reduced,” taken from 1 Corinthians 7:29.
2. How may enthusiasm for this assembly be generated?
2 Start building enthusiasm for the special assembly day as soon as the date is announced in your congregation. Some parents help their children look forward to the assembly by putting the date on the family calendar, along with a checklist of items needed, and then they count down the days. During your Family Worship evening, you may wish to review notes from previous special assembly days. You can also prepare your heart for this event by reviewing Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, pages 13-16, to help you and your family “pay attention to how you listen.”—Luke 8:18.
3. How can we fully benefit from what will be presented?
3 Apply What You Learn: A common expression heard after an assembly is, “What a wonderful program!” That is always true, as this is one of many rich provisions from Jehovah. (Prov. 10:22) For the information to bear fruit, you must meditate on it and retain it. (Luke 8:15) Take time on your way home after the assembly to discuss the program as a family or with those in your car group. Discuss one another’s goals and points that will help you in your ministry. Doing so will contribute to your benefiting from the information long after the assembly.—Jas. 1:25.
4. Why will this assembly be special for us?
4 We always feel special when we receive a practical gift that is exactly what we need. Do we not eagerly anticipate what Jehovah has in store for us at our next special assembly day? We can be sure that it will be practical in every way. We can expect to receive from our heavenly Father, Jehovah, just the right gift by way of encouragement and training for carrying on the work he has assigned us to do.—2 Tim. 4:2; Jas. 1:17.