Return on Interested Ones—When?
1. What is involved in making disciples?
1 Making disciples involves calling back on anyone who indicates a willingness to learn of Jehovah’s Kingdom arrangement. (Matt. 28:19, 20) The best time to make a return visit often depends on our schedule as well as that of the interested one. Why should we return shortly after our initial visit?
2, 3. Why should we try to return as soon as possible?
2 Why Return Soon? The work of preaching “this good news of the kingdom” is far advanced, and the end of this system of things has drawn close. (Matt. 24:14; 1 Pet. 4:7) Therefore, while “a day of salvation” is still available to interested ones, we must heed the admonition to ‘preach the word urgently,’ which includes returning as soon as possible to cultivate interest shown.—2 Cor. 6:1, 2; 2 Tim. 4:2.
3 Satan is eager to take away any Kingdom seed that we might sow in an interested person’s heart. (Mark 4:14, 15) Family members, workmates, and others often ridicule those who have shown interest. Returning quickly enables us to build on our earlier discussion before others succeed in putting out the spark of interest.
4. On the initial call, how may we lay the groundwork for a return visit?
4 Make an Appointment: It is best to make definite arrangements to return before you leave the initial call. Raise a question that you will answer on the next visit. Good personal record keeping in this regard is necessary. If your schedule allows, you might ask to return the next day or shortly thereafter. If the initial call is on the weekend and the interested person is working during the week, perhaps he will agree to another visit the following weekend. When you make an appointment, be sure to keep your word.—Matt. 5:37.
5. How will our returning without delay help us to fulfill Jesus’ commission to make disciples?
5 We have good reasons to return on interested ones as soon as possible. Therefore, make an appointment and return soon, for “the time left is reduced.” (1 Cor. 7:29) The sooner we revisit those interested in the Kingdom message, the more productive our efforts are likely to be.