“Bearing Thorough Witness” About God’s Kingdom
1. What will we consider at the Congregation Bible Study beginning the week of March 14?
1 During the week of March 14, 2011, we will begin consideration of “Bearing Thorough Witness” About God’s Kingdom at the Congregation Bible Study. This publication covers the book of Acts in such a way that the reader can feel the excitement of the fast-moving events recorded therein. Instead of providing a verse-by-verse commentary, the Bearing Witness book draws lessons from the accounts in Acts and helps us to see how we can make personal application.—Rom. 15:4.
2. Explain some of the features of the Bearing Witness book.
2 Features of the Book: The introduction on page 2 is a warm letter from the Governing Body expressing how they want us to benefit from this publication. Beginning with chapter 2, a focus line explains the thrust of each chapter and a Scripture citation indicates the portion of Acts that will be discussed. Many of the chapters contain informative boxes that offer background information about people, places, or events. Wide margins allow us to make notes. Throughout the book are richly detailed illustrations of Biblical scenes to help us visualize important events, and on the last page is a helpful image index to explain what is being depicted in various pictures. Inside the front and back covers are maps to assist us in following the progress of fellow worshippers in the first century as they began spreading the good news “to the most distant part of the earth.”—Acts 1:8.
3. What important questions will our study of the book of Acts answer?
3 Answers to Important Questions: Consideration of the book of Acts will help us to discern clearly the answers to important questions about the Christian ministry. For example, what work and message identify true followers of Jesus Christ? Who directs this worldwide preaching work, and how? What opportunities do persecution and opposition create for ministers? What role does the holy spirit play in our ministry?
4. How may we benefit to the full from our consideration of this publication?
4 In order to benefit to the full, study the material in advance and prepare to share in the congregation’s discussion. Be present at each meeting, and reflect on how you can apply the lessons learned in your personal ministry. May our consideration of this exciting publication stimulate us to bear thorough witness about God’s Kingdom!—Acts 28:23.