Sample Presentations
To start Bible studies on the first Saturday in November
“Most of us are interested in good government. In your opinion, what kind of government would be able to solve mankind’s problems? [Allow for response.] Notice what this says.” Hand the householder the November 1 Watchtower, and consider together material under the first subheading on page 16 and at least one of the scriptures. Offer the magazines, and arrange to return to discuss the next question.
The Watchtower November 1
“We would like to get your opinion. If you could ask God one question, what would it be? [Allow for response.] According to Jesus, it’s proper to seek answers to our sincere questions. [Read Matthew 7:7.] This magazine gives the Bible’s answers to these three important questions.” Show the householder the questions at the bottom of page 3.
Awake! November
“We are visiting today as a public service to families. Single-parent families have become very common. Do you think they have more challenges than families with both parents? [Allow for response.] Many parents have found practical advice in the Bible. [Read 2 Timothy 3:16.] This magazine outlines some suggestions to help single parents succeed in their demanding role.”