Will You Auxiliary Pioneer?
1. Why is the Memorial season a good time to expand our ministry?
1 The Memorial season is a good time to expand our ministry. It is a time when we reflect on Jehovah’s great love in providing his Son as a ransom. (John 3:16) This causes appreciation to well up in our heart, deepening our desire to tell others about Jehovah and what he is doing for mankind. (Isa. 12:4, 5; Luke 6:45) It is also a time when we enjoy a special campaign to invite acquaintances and people in the territory to attend the Memorial with us. Afterward, we endeavor to further the interest of those who attended. Will you expand your ministry by auxiliary pioneering during March, April, or May?
2. What makes March an especially good month to auxiliary pioneer?
2 Make March a Special Month: March will be an especially good month to auxiliary pioneer. Those who apply can choose an hour requirement of either 30 hours or 50 hours. If the visit of the circuit overseer falls during March, auxiliary pioneers may attend the entire meeting that he has with the regular and special pioneers. The campaign to extend invitations to the Memorial, which will be held on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, has been lengthened from previous years and will begin on March 1. Additionally, March has five full weekends. So why not seriously consider if you can join in making this the most special month of the year?
3. How can we make plans to increase our ministry?
3 Plan Now: Now is the time to review your schedule and see what adjustments are needed in order for you to pioneer. Family cooperation will be important, so take time during your Family Worship evening to discuss your family’s goals and make a schedule. (Prov. 15:22) If you are not able to auxiliary pioneer, do not be discouraged. Could you adjust your schedule to stay out longer on the days you do go out? Could you go in the ministry an additional day during the week?
4. What benefits will result from increasing our activity during March, April, and May?
4 As we increase our activity during March, April, and May, we will increase the joy and satisfaction that we receive from serving Jehovah and giving to others. (John 4:34; Acts 20:35) More important, our self-sacrificing efforts will bring joy to Jehovah.—Prov. 27:11.