Choose Your Marriage Mate Wisely
Solomon unwisely married women who worshipped false gods (1Ki 11:1, 2; w18.07 18 ¶7)
Solomon’s wives gradually inclined his heart away from Jehovah (1Ki 11:3-6; w19.01 15 ¶6)
Jehovah became furious at Solomon (1Ki 11:9, 10; w18.07 19 ¶9)
God’s Word counsels single Christians to marry “only in the Lord.” (1Co 7:39) Yet, baptism itself does not qualify someone as a suitable mate. Will the person help you to keep serving Jehovah whole-souled? Has the person shown a deep love for Jehovah over time? Before agreeing to marry, take time to get to know your prospective mate well.