Questions From Readers
How is the death of God’s loyal ones “precious in the eyes of Jehovah”?
▪ Psalm 116:15 says: “Precious in the eyes of Jehovah is the death of his loyal ones.” Everyone who serves Jehovah is precious, or very valuable, to him. But Psalm 116:15 is not talking about the death of just one loyal person.
A brother who gives a Bible talk when a loyal servant of Jehovah dies should not say that Psalm 116:15 is talking about the person who died. Why not? Because this verse has a greater meaning. It means that it is very important to Jehovah that his loyal servants as a group do not die. So he will never allow that to happen.—See Psalm 72:14; 116:8.
Psalm 116:15 promises that Jehovah will not allow his enemies to destroy all of his loyal servants on the earth. We know that God’s people have been persecuted very much in recent times, but their enemies could not kill them all. This proves to us that God will not allow anyone to destroy his people completely.
One reason why Jehovah will not allow his enemies to destroy us all is that he is much stronger than they are. If God allowed his enemies to destroy his servants, other people could think that his enemies are more powerful than he is. But they are not. Another reason why Jehovah will not allow his enemies to destroy us is that his purpose is for the earth to be filled with people who are loyal to him. No one can stop his purpose from coming true. (Isaiah 45:18; 55:10, 11) If all of Jehovah’s servants died, there would be nobody on earth to serve Jehovah. And when Jehovah destroys this wicked world, there would be no one to live in the new world under his government. (Revelation 21:1) Also, Christ could not rule over the earth for a thousand years if there was no one living on earth.—Revelation 20:4, 5.
God will not allow his enemies to destroy all of his servants on earth because that could make some people think that he is not really the Most High God. Another reason is that Jehovah respects himself and his holy name. Also, the Bible says that “there is no injustice” with God. This means that he will always protect his loyal servants as a group. (Deuteronomy 32:4; Genesis 18:25) And the Bible promises: “Jehovah will not desert his people for the sake of his great name.” (1 Samuel 12:22) If God allowed his enemies to destroy all of his people, the Bible’s words would not be true. So we can be sure that “Jehovah will not forsake his people, nor will he leave his own inheritance.”—Psalm 94:14.
We are very happy to know that there will always be people on earth who serve Jehovah. So let us remain loyal to God and trust in his promise: “Any weapon whatever that will be formed against you will have no success, and any tongue at all that will rise up against you in the judgment you will condemn. This is the hereditary possession of the servants of Jehovah, and their righteousness is from me.”—Isaiah 54:17.
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God will not allow anyone to destroy all of his people