From Our Readers
Negative Emotions Thank you for the marvelous series of articles entitled “You Can Overcome Negative Emotions.” (October 8, 1992) I have had this problem for a long time. But now that Jehovah has given me the gift of these articles, I have finally found the strength to fight these feelings. Visualizing the future that he has in store for us and the blessings that we will enjoy then is a great help.
C. I., Italy
I became depressed after getting romantically involved with someone who proved to be totally deceitful. For months I beat myself with negative thoughts like, ‘I must be stupid to have believed his lies.’ Or, ‘I am a poor judge of character.’ This led to a cynical conclusion: ‘I will never again trust a man.’ The article’s practical approach to positive thinking is helping me to rebuild self-esteem and to remind myself that this episode was just another learning experience.
R. M., United States
I applaud your treatment of the subject of negative emotions. Nevertheless, not all negative emotions are caused by conscious thoughts. Subconscious thoughts—such as suppressed memories of child abuse—can also generate strong feelings. Some may attempt to apply this information only to find that doing so does not make them feel better. Their problem may be on a deeper level. People who feel a need to do deeper work on their mental or emotional health—whether this involves professional assistance or not—should therefore not be judged as going to extremes.
M. W., United States
Thank you for these comments. Readers should bear in mind that the articles were not directed to individuals suffering from such serious problems as major depression or the aftereffects of childhood abuse. Such ones may derive some benefit from applying the suggestions contained therein; nevertheless, as stated at the outset, the articles focused on “the normal negative emotions that are experienced by everyone.” Regarding severe forms of depression, the article acknowledged that such maladies “may require professional treatment.”—ED.
Tears I recently attended the funeral of a faithful Christian who had served as an elder in our congregation for many years. When they wheeled the coffin out of the hall, I wept bitterly. Most of the others in attendance, however, kept their feelings under control. Just one day later, I received the September 22, 1992, issue of Awake! with the article “Why All the Tears?” It helped me understand that tears are not a sign of weakness but an expression of intense emotions. Many thanks for the informative article.
S. Z., Germany
Hands The article “Our Fascinating Hands” (August 8, 1992) was extremely interesting. I already realized that our hands are wonderfully made. But this article helped me to feel the greatness of our Creator.
K. Y., Japan
Prayer Thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . Does God Answer My Prayers?” (September 22, 1992) I found the article to be very helpful. It taught me that my prayers shouldn’t consist of frivolous requests for material wants. I also learned that I need to persevere in prayer because Jehovah does not always answer right away. And he may not give us the answer that we prefer.
B. G., United States