She Touched Many Lives
ON NOVEMBER 19, 1994, Kathy Roberson died at the age of 26. She faithfully attended Christian meetings right up to the week of her death. Her struggle against cancer since the age of nine had been recorded in Awake! of August 22, 1994, under the title “When Life Is Not Easy.” After reading the article, many from around the world responded by mail and described how Kathy’s courageous example deeply touched them.
Youths Encouraged to Serve God
Loida, from Spain, wrote: “I am 16 years old, and I wept when I read the experience about the endurance of Kathy. I used to be afraid of dying, but thanks to this article, I understand that, as she said, ‘what is truly important is, not whether we live or die now, but whether we gain the blessing of Jehovah God, the One who can give us everlasting life.’”
Mari, from Japan, wrote: “Because I am close in age to Kathy and was baptized on the same day, reading her experience seemed like reading an encouraging letter from a close friend. Her hope that her story would move many to use their health, not in vain pursuits, but wisely in Jehovah’s service caused my heart to burn, as I am just about to start regular pioneering [full-time ministry].”
Noemi, from Italy, wrote similarly, saying that Kathy’s wish for youths to use their health, not in vain pursuits, but wisely in Jehovah’s service “will be an encouragement for thousands of youngsters, including me.” Noemi added: “I cannot wait to see her in the new world when all of this will have passed. As soon as I have finished high school, I am going to start pioneering.”
“I am 18 years old,” Rachelle from Florida, U.S.A., wrote, “and I have been considering the pioneer work for quite some time now. As I read the article ‘When Life Is Not Easy,’ I found it a great encouragement to see someone young like me endure such hardship. Kathy has moved me to use my health, as she said, ‘not in vain pursuits, but wisely in Jehovah’s service.’”
Some missionaries from the island of Chuuk, in Micronesia, wrote: “Our pioneers here are poor materially. However, Sister Roberson’s experience helped them appreciate what they have. They realized that although poor materially they are blessed with strong bodies that enable them to serve Jehovah full-time. It was a good reminder for them to be thankful for what they have and use their strength in Jehovah’s service.”
A group of 16 students attending pioneer school in France were moved to send a photograph of lilies to Kathy with the encouragement: “We won’t forget your exhortation to use our time for our great Creator.”
Another youth from France wrote: “Being young and prime targets of Satan, we sometimes feel it difficult to remain loyal to Jehovah. Yet, when we read such beautiful and moving stories, we receive renewed strength and zeal, knowing that other youths, like Kathy, keep their integrity despite suffering. What a beautiful example!”
“I am about your age and have very good health,” wrote Nadine from Ohio, U.S.A. “Many times I let minor things get in the way of my service to Jehovah. Reading your story made me take a good long look at my life, realizing how much precious time I have wasted. You have been an inspiration to me.”
A young woman from Brazil said: “She talked directly to my heart and increased my desire to serve our God more fully.”
A Canadian youngster wrote: “I am 15 years old. Two years ago, I learned that I was suffering from autoimmune hepatitis. Thanks to the experience of Kathy Roberson, I realized that in spite of my health condition, I can also serve Jehovah faithfully while there is yet time and that I must patiently await God’s promised new system for a complete recovery.”
Jennette from New Jersey, U.S.A., wrote: “All the obstacles she went through and the faith that she showed help all of us to be resolved to continue to reach out to do more in Jehovah’s service despite any difficulties we may have. I am planning to use her experience with some of my Bible students to motivate them to set goals of pioneer service as they graduate from school.”
Older Ones Encouraged Too
A woman from California, U.S.A., wrote: “You certainly have cut through all the minor issues in our lives and brought life down to its basic, essential element—our relationship with Jehovah.” She added: “Though I am far beyond my youth, I was deeply moved and motivated by your experiences and your outlook. It has helped me to review my priorities.”
Another letter from California said: “What you have gone through is as big a test as any put on the brothers and sisters in Germany or Malawi or any other place I’ve read of. I’m 68 now, so I’ve seen, heard, and read a lot of experiences. Your story will be a blessing to young and old alike.”
A woman from South Carolina, U.S.A., acknowledged: “I am not a kid. I am almost 70 years old.” She wrote in appreciation: “You are another Job. I hope all the young and the old will take note of your endurance.”
Another letter said: “Kathy’s faith and determination touched my heart. I’m almost 57 years old, and one of my goals was to put more time in Jehovah’s service when I retire, but recently I was diagnosed with cancer. How I regret that when I was younger and had my health, I didn’t do more for Jehovah! None of us can predict when a serious illness will take that privilege away.”
A Christian elder wrote: “I am going to keep this article in a special file for my reading when life takes the unexpected turns that could test my faith. I’m also going to keep this article in my shepherding file for use to encourage the dear friends who are bombarded by hardships as this system draws to a close.”
Indeed, we are strengthened by the faith and courage of all members of our worldwide brotherhood. (1 Peter 5:9) All of us look forward, as Kathy did, to the fulfillment of the Bible’s promise of a time when “death will be no more.” (Revelation 21:3, 4) What a grand time it will then be when “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”—Isaiah 33:24.
[Picture on page 20]
Kathy Roberson