“This Awake! Was Written Especially for Us”!
THE September 22, 1998, issue of Awake! featured the cover series “Alzheimer’s Disease—Easing the Pain.” A number of readers expressed their deep appreciation for the helpful suggestions contained in this series. Following are some of their comments.
“Since my husband’s condition was diagnosed as Alzheimer’s disease over two years ago, I have read a lot on the subject. Awake! had the best material. It briefly summarized everything else I had read. We shared copies with the doctors and others at the hospital where my husband is a patient.”—M. L., United States.
“Mother died two years ago, at the age of 83. She had been a faithful Witness since 1937. To see her memory and body deteriorate was a painful experience. Thank you for such useful and comforting information. These articles will be invaluable in helping the afflicted and their caregivers to cope with a tragic and frightening situation.”—D. C., United States.
“Their doctor and other professionals seem to feel that my mother and her sister have Alzheimer’s disease, so I sent the magazine to my uncle. He responded: ‘Using the computer, I found a huge amount of information on AD [Alzheimer’s disease]—so much that I do not have the time to dig through it all. I read the Awake! articles on AD that you sent, and I can honestly say that they contain just the right amount of information, written in an understandable manner too! Do you mind if I pass it on to others in the family after I read it again?’”—B. E., Canada.
“I am a fourth-year nursing student, and I would like to commend you on your series on AD. It offered many up-to-date suggestions that coincided with our Gerontology-Alzheimer’s lectures. I plan to use these articles when caring for my patients and when helping their caregivers.”—G. L., United States.
“My mom died on August 18, 1998. That same week I received this magazine. AD is a very painful disease, especially at the end—not only for the victims but also for their loved ones. The articles prove beyond a doubt that Jehovah sees what we are going through. We appreciate so much his loving care!”—M. S., United States.
“I want to thank you wholeheartedly for these articles. I am studying to assist people affected by this disease. The information is really useful to me.”—T. N., Italy.
“My grandmother, who suffers from dementia, has lived with me for the past year. She has regressed and has become hostile and extremely bitter toward me. I felt as though I had failed my family and Jehovah. After reading your articles, I was able to pinpoint my errors and see how I could change my approach to her situation. I now see how important it is to show constant consideration for her limitations.”—S. S., United States.
“My husband and I were pioneers, full-time evangelizers, for many years. It pained us to have to stop, but we had to help care for my mother. I have read other books and articles on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease, but my heart was touched deeply when helpful information came from Jehovah’s organization. I will keep these articles nearby so that I can read them many times.”—P. M., United States.
“I am 12 years old. The articles on Alzheimer’s disease interest me because my great-grandfather suffered from this disease and so does a dear elderly Christian sister I know. These articles helped me to see what I can do, and they gave me a better understanding of this disease. How glad I will be when the day comes when ‘no resident will say: “I am sick”’!” (Isaiah 33:24)—P. W., United States.
“My 15-year-old daughter and I immediately discussed the main points of this issue. The recommendations to have a warm facial expression, to talk in a soothing voice, to preserve the sufferer’s dignity by not correcting mistakes, and so forth, were particularly useful. I hope to distribute this magazine to day-care workers.”—Y. K., Japan.
“Words cannot express how grateful our family is for your wonderful articles. When my mother-in-law could no longer care for herself, we brought her to the United States to live with us. She was 80 years old, and the change was devastating for her. We couldn’t understand why she took a turn for the worse until we read the articles in Awake! The thorough explanation of this illness and how to deal with the patient answered many questions that even her doctors had not been able to answer. Please accept our thanks, and may Jehovah continue to bless your efforts to help us all.”—O. S., United States.
“I would like to congratulate you on these in-depth articles. They came at a time when we needed to look after our grandma. Our family felt that this Awake! was written especially for us because it gave us comfort and help when we needed it. Thank you for articles like these. They always arrive at the right time.”—R. N., Zambia.