From Our Readers
Worship Prior to becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I was never able to explain how I felt about God. The cover series “Can I Worship God in My Own Way?” (April 22, 2002) truly defines why I felt compelled to study the Bible in the first place. I plan to send a copy to each member of my family.
B. R., United States
Life Story I wept with tears of both joy and sorrow as I read the life story “Despite Trials, My Hope Has Remained Bright.” (April 22, 2002) Brother Hanák’s courage at the age of 20 reminded me that we can rely on Jehovah to give even young ones the determination to uphold Jehovah’s righteous standards. Thank you for continuing to print such fine articles that give all of us the boost we need during the critical times we live in.
K. G., United States
Young People Ask I am an 11-year-old boy, and I want to thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . What if I Meet Someone From School?” (February 22, 2002) I found myself facing the same situation described by the youngsters in the article. After reading it, I came to understand that I have no reason to be ashamed of the precious and urgent message we take to people. Thank you very much for this information.
D.D.S., Italy
I am 10 years old. Thank you for this article. The day after reading it, I went out in the field ministry and felt more relaxed because of applying the magazine’s counsel.
D.D.C., Italy
The article “Young People Ask . . . Why Is My Roommate So Hard to Live With?” (April 22, 2002) was made just for me! I am a full-time evangelizer, and I have lived with my roommate for six months. As the article states, living with someone who was raised in a different manner can be interesting, but it can also cause stress. With help from my parents, the elders, and Jehovah, I slowly changed my outlook. Now I have the desire to move with my partner to a congregation where the need is greater. I think that Jehovah provided this article as a present for me!
I. S., Japan
The article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Preach to My Schoolmates?” (March 22, 2002) had special meaning for me. I remember sharing my faith, somewhat reluctantly, with a few fellow students and especially with one friend who showed respect for my beliefs. We lost contact until some years ago, when I discovered that he was studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Today we are both congregation elders, and we are great friends. As the article showed, speaking to others about Jehovah always brings good results.
J.R.M., Brazil
Enlightening for All Ages I really enjoy your magazines because they are interesting not only for me but also for my children. Many newspapers and magazines corrupt our youth. You, on the other hand, make them change. Thank you for the light that you bring us.
G. M., Russia