From Our Readers
Values I was surprised by the statement in the opening paragraph of the second article of the series “What Has Happened to Values?” (June 8, 2003) It stated: “Among the greatest gifts parents can give to their children are unconditional love and a set of values that the parents live by.” When children and adults act as if they are entitled to one another’s love, values will always decline.
K. B., United States
“Awake!” responds: The phrase “unconditional love” was used to suggest that parents should not imply that their love for their children is fragile or tenuous—that it might be withdrawn at any moment because of some failing on the child’s part or that the child is obliged to earn parental love by doing everything just right.—Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21.
I found the final article in this series to be exceptionally well written. The material is so simple, logical, and encouraging. The picture is beautiful. Thank you for such comforting articles.
M. P., United States
Water Thank you for the article “Life’s Precious Liquid—Water.” (June 8, 2003) This article quoted an obesity specialist who suggested that healthy people should drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water each day. However, if a person has heart failure or reduced renal function, doctors advise patients not to drink too much water.
T. A., Japan
“Awake!” responds: Recommendations on this matter tend to vary. Some experts say that in certain situations water intake should be limited. It would be wise to consult one’s personal physician for further advice.
Postpartum Depression I am a mother, and I have a precious little girl who is only one year old. I had never felt Jehovah’s hand as close to me as I did when I opened Awake! and read the article “Understanding Postpartum Depression.” (June 8, 2003) I do not have enough words to express my gratitude for this article. I deeply appreciate belonging to a group that tenderly cares for each one of its members. Thank you, thank you!
M. G., Spain
Crossword Puzzle Thank you for the June 8, 2003, Awake! I found the treasure I look forward to—the crossword puzzle! I’ve been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses for about four years, and I have done almost all the puzzles that have been published in that time. It’s a great way to get to know the Scriptures. Keep up the good work. I look forward to doing more of your puzzles in the future!
K. G., United States
Senses Thank you for the series “Life’s Amazing Senses—Do You Appreciate Them?” (March 8, 2003) Our senses truly help us to appreciate life and our environment. Articles like these strengthen our love for God. Thank you for publishing them.
J. N., Burundi
Materialism I would like to thank you for the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: What Is Materialism?” (April 8, 2003) It is true that many people today are obsessed with being well-off materially, and unfortunately, this problem can also affect Christians. This article helped me to understand what materialism is and how to avoid it. Now I will do everything possible to concentrate on spiritual things and not on material things. Many thanks for publishing such an instructive article!
Z. K., Russia