Principle: “Let your words always be gracious.”—Col. 4:6.
What Paul Did
1. Watch the VIDEO, or read Acts 17:22, 23. Then consider the following questions:
How did Paul feel about the false religious practices he saw in Athens?—See Acts 17:16.
Rather than condemn the Athenians, how did Paul tactfully use their beliefs as a way to share the good news?
What Do We Learn From Paul?
2. People are more likely to listen to us if we carefully choose what we say as well as how and when we say it.
Imitate Paul
3. Choose appealing words. For example, when speaking with someone from a non-Christian background, you may need to adjust the way you introduce the Bible or how you refer to Jesus.
4. Do not be quick to correct a person. Allow him to express himself freely. If he says something that conflicts with Bible teachings, resist any urge to argue. (Jas. 1:19) By listening to him, you gain insight into his viewpoint.—Prov. 20:5.
5. Agree with and commend the person where possible. He may sincerely believe that his religious beliefs are correct. Build common ground first, and then progressively help him understand what the Bible teaches.