(Achʹbor) [a springing mouse].
1. The father of Baal-hanan, who is listed as the seventh king of Edom.—Gen. 36:38, 39; 1 Chron. 1:49.
2. The son of Micaiah and a trusted official of King Josiah’s court. (2 Ki. 22:12) He is called “Abdon the son of Micah” at 2 Chronicles 34:20. Upon learning of Jehovah’s burning rage expressed in the ancient book of the law, only recently discovered, Josiah sent Achbor as one of a committee of five to the prophetess Huldah to learn what should be done. (2 Ki. 22:8-14) Achbor was the father of Elnathan, a prince of the court of King Jehoiakim, and very likely was the great-grandfather of King Jehoiachin.—Jer. 26:22; 36:12; 2 Ki. 24:8.