A dry measure corresponding to the cor and equaling ten baths or ten ephahs. (Ezek. 45:11, 14) Based on the estimated volume of the bath measure, the ephah has been reckoned at .62 bushel (22 liters). The homer would therefore equal 6.2 bushels (220 liters) and the half-homer (Hos. 3:2), 3.1 bushels (110 liters). In the wilderness, greedy Israelites gathered miraculously provided quails in such numbers that the “one collecting least gathered ten homers” (62 bushels; 2,220 liters). (Num. 11:32) The Scriptures also mention the homer as a measure for barley, seed and wheat.—Lev. 27:16; Isa. 5:10; Ezek. 45:13.