(Timʹnath-seʹrah) [portion remaining].
The city given to Joshua as his inheritance in the mountainous region of Ephraim. He requested Timnath-serah and the sons of Israel gave it to him “at the order of Jehovah.” Joshua built up the city and was later buried there. (Josh. 19:49, 50; 24:30) Judges 2:9 reads “Timnath-heres” instead of “Timnath-serah” in both the Hebrew Masoretic text and the Greek Septuagint. The reason for this difference in names is unknown.
Currently geographers prefer to identify Timnath-serah with Khirbet Tibneh, about eighteen miles (29 kilometers) S-SW of the probable ancient site of Shechem. Situated on the western edge of the mountainous region, Khirbet Tibneh overlooks the coastal plain. Mount Gaash, S of Timnath-serah (Timnath-heres) (Josh. 24:30; Judg. 2:9), cannot now be located definitely.