A Strong Witness to the Truth
Jesus said of his followers: “You will be haled before governors and kings for my sake for the purpose of a witness to them and the nations.” It is not only the rulers who receive this witness, but also other people who see the determination that the truth of God’s Word produces. These too cannot help but be impressed by it.—Matt. 10:18.
One young witness of Jehovah in Hungary, sentenced to eight years in prison for his refusal to join in the Communists’ military activity, was being taken to a work camp. On the way he had the experience he relates as follows:
“In the train the conductor, a woman, asked me: ‘Why are you prisoners?’ ‘Because of our religious convictions.’ Said she: ‘Aren’t you silly to spoil your youth like that?’ We then gave her a witness and quoted Ecclesiastes 12:1-3, showing that youths should serve Jehovah with their whole strength. From this moment, whenever she had time, she came back with her colleague to continue talking with us. When we left the train, she said with tears in her eyes: ‘Truly it is the truth for which you suffer. Be patient, I shall pray for you.’”
All of Jehovah’s witnesses are anxious to have both their words and their actions provide a similar witness for their faith.