Check Your Memory
After reading this issue of “The Watchtower,” do you remember—
✔ What is the only way peace and security can exist on earth? P. 260, ¶5.
✔ Why it is not enough just believing that you have the right religion? P. 261, ¶1.
✔ What shows that most Christian religions do not believe what they teach about love? P. 262, ¶3.
✔ How a dedicated Christian can honor Jehovah with his valuable things? P. 265, ¶3.
✔ How a person keeps getting filled with spirit? P. 267, ¶3.
✔ What determines whether a religion is the right religion? P. 273, ¶3.
✔ Why living by the Ten Commandments is not enough? P. 274, ¶6.
✔ Why Christians have faith in God? P. 276, ¶12.
✔ What a codex is? P. 278, ¶4.
✔ What a person does when he makes a dedication of himself to God? P. 280, ¶6.
✔ Why a person does not have to wait until he has all the answers before he can serve God? P. 282, ¶9.
✔ When Jehovah’s witnesses will stop preaching? P. 284, ¶17.
✔ Whether the Bible means Satan will be killed when it speaks of his being abyssed? P. 286, ¶3.