Keep Christian Balance Under Responsibilities
WHAT a pleasure it is to observe the balance of God’s visible creation! We can see it wherever selfish or foolish man has not disrupted it. Balance is also God’s will for us, ‘keeping Christian balance under responsibilities.’ As we read: “Brace up your minds for activity, keep completely balanced.”a—1 Pet. 1:13, 1950 Edition.
Balance is something we all should strive for. Why? Because, whether we happen to be housewife, Christian missionary, overseer or other, we all have a variety of obligations to meet; and to discharge them in a way pleasing to Jehovah God we need to keep balanced.
What does it mean to have this Christian balance? It means giving all our various responsibilities time and attention according to their importance. Most likely we will not be able to spend upon any one of them as much time and energy as we would like, but we will give each some due, not wholly neglecting any one of them.
What will help us to keep Christian balance? Daily study of God’s Word and regular meeting attendance will greatly help. Why? Because these will increase our faith, and faith is indispensable to keeping Christian balance under responsibilities. More than that, by Bible study and meeting attendance we learn to understand our responsibilities better and how to deal with them wisely. For example, a family man who is also a Christian overseer has to balance his family responsibilities with his overseer responsibilities. Which come first? Why, those of his family, for from God’s Word he learns that if he neglects them he is worse than an unbeliever and, further, that only if he cares for his family in a right manner can he be considered for an overseer’s position.—1 Tim. 3:4; 5:8.
So also with the Christian housewife. From study of God’s Word she learns the relative importance of her household duties as compared to her Christian ministry. Then she will neither neglect her family nor make the mistake that Martha made in being too concerned with material things.—Luke 10:38-42.
Among other valuable aids to keeping Christian balance under responsibilities are the qualities of reasonableness, self-control, godly devotion and self-sufficiency. These will help us to avoid extremes and to be content to serve wherever we are put in Jehovah’s organization and will keep us from becoming frustrated because our progress may be slow. Instead, these will help us to rejoice with those who have the greater abilities and privileges and to be thankful that Jehovah’s organization has such qualified men to take the lead. Then, too, we will be thankful that we can have the smile of God’s approval and gain life in his new order even though we, like the widow of old, may be able to give only a few small coins of little value.—Luke 21:1-4; 1 Tim. 6:6-8.
And not to be overlooked in keeping our Christian balance under responsibilities is prayer. We cannot bear our burdens without God’s help, and one of the ways by which he gives help is the precious privilege of prayer.—Ps. 55:22; Phil. 4:6, 7.
Nevertheless, while content with our lot, let us always seek to grow, to become mature. We may not be able to devote more time and energy this month or this year than we did last month or year, but we should be able to serve more effectively, more joyfully, better keeping balance under our responsibilities. And this we can do if we keep trying, studying, attending meetings, praying and preaching as opportunity affords.
a For details see The Watchtower, May 15, 1966.