Jesus’ Life and Ministry
Honored Before He Was Born
THE angel Gabriel has just finished telling the young woman Mary that she will give birth to a baby boy who will become an everlasting king. But Mary asks, ‘How is this possible, since I have had no relations with a man?’
‘God’s holy spirit will come upon you,’ Gabriel explains, ‘and for this reason the boy will be called God’s Son.’ To help Mary, Gabriel continues: ‘Your aged relative Elizabeth, who people said could not have children, is now six months pregnant.’ Mary believes Gabriel and says: ‘Let it happen to me just as you have said.’
Soon after Gabriel leaves, Mary gets ready and goes to visit Elizabeth who lives with her husband Zechariah in the mountainous country of Judea. From Mary’s home in Nazareth, this is a long trip of perhaps three or four days.
When Mary finally arrives at Zechariah’s house, she enters and offers a greeting. At that Elizabeth is filled with holy spirit, and she says to Mary: ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will have. What a privilege it is to have the mother of my Lord come to me! For, look! as soon as I heard your greeting, the infant in my womb leaped with great gladness.’
Overjoyed, Mary says: ‘From now on all people will call me happy, because of the great things God has done for me.’ Mary stays with Elizabeth for about three months, and no doubt she is a big help during these final weeks of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. It is indeed fine that these two faithful women, both carrying a child with God’s help, can be together at this blessed time of their lives!
Did you notice the honor that was paid Jesus even before he was born? Elizabeth called him “my Lord,” and her unborn child leaped with gladness when Mary first appeared. On the other hand, others treated Mary and her yet-to-be-born child with little respect, as we will see later. In our next article, however, we will learn more about Elizabeth’s child, John. Luke 1:26-56.
◆ What did Gabriel say to help Mary understand how she would become pregnant?
◆ How was Jesus honored before he was born?
◆ How long did Mary stay with Elizabeth, and why was it appropriate that Mary stay with Elizabeth during this time?