Question Box
● Who should be selected to read the paragraphs at the “Watchtower” study?
Baptized brothers who read well should be selected to read at the “Watchtower” study. They should also be good examples of Christian living.
Practice and experience in developing reading ability should first be gained privately and at the Theocratic Ministry School. The elders of the congregation, observing how brothers handle their assignments in the school, can determine when they read well enough to be added to the list of readers.
Since approximately one-half of the time allotted for the meeting is occupied by reading the paragraphs, care should be exercised by the reader to see that the audience gets the maximum benefit from the reading. The reader should appreciate his opportunity thus to share in serving spiritual food to the brothers. He should express warmth and enthusiasm, to encourage heartfelt motivation in applying the counsel in “The Watchtower.”
For the reader to fulfill his assignment “whole-souled as to Jehovah” he must prepare carefully in advance. (Col. 3:23) He should go over the material several times, getting the sense of it so as to impart the right sense and meaning to the audience. Underlining certain words to be stressed or marking for pauses may help. Also, pronunciation is important. One should not guess or be overconfident, but look up in a dictionary every word of which he is not sure. “Aid to Bible Understanding” will provide pronunciation of many proper names. Wrong pronunciation of words not only detracts from understanding, but may also cause others to mispronounce words.
To be assigned to read at the “Watchtower” study is an expression of confidence on the part of Jehovah and the congregation. Those enjoying this fine privilege should use the occasion to “adorn the teaching of our Savior, God,” by reading clearly and with good volume, doing all they can to impart full understanding of the instruction received through the “faithful and discreet slave.”—Titus 2:10.