An Enjoyable Vacation
1 Are you looking forward to taking a vacation? Whether it is for a few days, a week, or more, most of us look forward to the pleasant change a vacation brings from the usual routine of work. It is a period of refreshment and relaxation. It can also bring much satisfaction due to spending time doing things you may otherwise be too busy to do. Many find that their vacations are most enjoyable when they plan to include some theocratic activity.
2 For example, do you find that it is difficult to do the reading and studying that you would like to do? Some have set aside a certain amount of time each day to read the Bible or other publications they want to consider. In the relaxed atmosphere during your vacation you may find it most enjoyable not only to read but also to discuss the things you are reading, perhaps as a family.
3 Are you planning to visit some of your relatives during your vacation? If they are not in the truth it would be a fine opportunity not only to renew family ties, but also to converse about things of interest to you, what you are doing in the congregation, your convention plans, what you enjoy about the truth, etc. In the February issue of Our Kingdom Service we had material on the subject “Conversations Identify Us.” Perhaps your conversation will also help your relatives to appreciate the truth. If interest is shown, it may also be a fine opportunity to start a Bible study. With some you might find it good to have a study using only the Bible. Sermon Outlines or “Make Sure of All Things” will give you the necessary scriptures to help you to do this, or you could use the scriptures from an appropriate chapter of the Truth book. This is a fine way to help those related to you.
4 Do you like to get out into the country on your vacation? Many brothers find that vacation affords them the opportunity to do some witnessing in rural areas. You would likely enjoy working in a different territory.
5 If vacation takes you away from home, you will find it especially enjoyable to meet the brothers at their Kingdom Hall. If you do not know how to locate the Kingdom Hall in the area where you will be staying, you may find Jehovah’s Witnesses listed in the phone book or you may inquire of the Society by letter or phone and you will be informed of the time and place of meetings.
6 Many of us consider attending a convention the highlight of our vacation. How enjoyable it is to renew old acquaintances and make new ones at convention time, perhaps working side by side to care for some of the things that need to be done! Conventions are an important feature of our spiritual paradise, and we want to be sure to be present to take in the delightful Scriptural information that is scheduled. (Neh. 8:3, 4, 8) So in planning your vacation, if you include some theocratic activity, you will look back with pleasure over the time so wisely spent.