Branch Letter
Dear Kingdom Publishers:
Here at Brooklyn we enjoy having a part in providing publications for your use and to be used in the field. Recently we have had the privilege of producing four million copies of the Youth book, and we are glad it is now available in English, Spanish and German.
It has been exciting to hear so many expressions of appreciation for the book from youths themselves. In Germany a fifteen-year-old student commented: “This book is a virtual mine of information. These comments will interest many of my schoolmates, who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses.” From Canada we heard these comments from a teen-ager: “It really got to me, realizing all the situations you can get into. We should know what the problems are before we start, or it can be too late. Everyone else seems to want to force you into doing wrong.”
A Canadian father of five children said: “This publication will be a real safeguard for our young people in view of the problems in school and in the world. It will promote understanding of the world into which they are emerging and promote family unity. I feel this will be a good book for our field service and I feel our teen-agers can use it also in the service.”
These are but a few of the many expressions and they really make us happy to produce more of these Youth books so they can be gotten into the hands of the teen-agers, where they will do so much good. We know the youth need salvation, and many of them will find just what they are looking for in the pages of the Youth book.
We hope all of you will have a wonderful time distributing the book and helping both parents and teen-agers to find happiness in living. May Jehovah’s blessing go with your efforts to use the Youth book.
Your brothers,