Presenting the Good News—By Emphasizing the Bible’s Practical Value
1 How practical is the Bible for people who need to spend their time working hard to feed and clothe their families? That question expresses an attitude of many people in our territory. While they are concerned about their future security, they are interested in improving their lot now. During the month of October we will be helping our hearers to appreciate that the Bible offers help for improvement and happiness now, plus a grand hope for the future. By accepting the Awake! subscription, individuals will be helped to appreciate the value of Bible principles in everyday living.
2 Here is a suggested presentation: “Hello. We’re calling because of our interest in our neighbors. Most people today work very hard to make a living and to feed and clothe a family, don’t they? And that is becoming more difficult, isn’t it? Did you know that there is a book that can help us to provide for our needs, that can improve our lot in life? Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread, for the things we need. Applying certain Bible principles can actually help us to provide for our families. Notice what Isaiah 48:17 says about the Author of the Bible. [Read.] Yes, the God of the Bible teaches us to benefit ourselves in our everyday living.” Direct their attention to an interesting point in the Awake! magazine, and make the offer.
3 For those who are busy, a shorter presentation such as this might be used: “I can appreciate that you are busy, so I’ll be very brief. One of the major reasons we are so busy today is the need we have to make a living. The Awake! magazine, in this special issue, discusses a book that can help us to provide the material things that we need. Perhaps you had not thought of the Bible in that way, but you will enjoy and appreciate the Awake! magazine because it shows us how applying Bible principles every day can improve our lives now.” Make the offer.
4 For those who mention that they have their own religion, this presentation might be effective: “Most people we meet have their own religion. Our interest is in helping people to use the Bible as a guide for everyday living. Applying Bible principles can help us to improve our lot in life. Notice what the Bible says about its Author at Isaiah 48:17. [Read.] We benefit ourselves by coming to appreciate the Bible and its principles, and that is the purpose of Awake! For example, you will notice the title of this special issue of Awake!—‘A Book That Can Put Bread on Your Table.’ You’ll enjoy reading Awake! along with your own copy of the Bible.” Make the offer.
5 By coming to see that the Bible can improve their lot now, interested persons will also learn of Jehovah’s marvelous arrangements for the eternal blessing of right-hearted ones.—Titus 1:2.