A New Program for Kingdom Hall Construction
Jehovah certainly is fulfilling his promise to teach his household and direct them in his ways. (Isa. 54:13) From earliest times he has made definite arrangements for united worship that includes the giving of vital instruction. (Deut. 31:12, 13; Neh. 8:1-8; Ps. 122:1) This has resulted in great benefit to his faithful people. By adhering strictly to his counsel, they have been able to remain separate from the world and in close association with fellow worshipers. (Ex. 34:11-16; 2 Cor. 6:14-18) Especially in these last days we are admonished to assemble regularly, in order that we may not only be instructed by Jehovah but also share encouragement and incite one another to love and fine works.—Rom. 1:11, 12; Heb. 10:23-25.
From the first century on down to this present day Christians have assembled for worship both in private homes and in public places. (Acts 2:42, 46; 12:12) But particularly since 1935, when it was announced that a new meeting place under construction in Hawaii would be called Kingdom Hall, congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses everywhere have endeavored to have their own distinctive place of worship and have identified it by this name. As a result, Kingdom Halls are now seen throughout the land, and each year more are being constructed or otherwise acquired as regular congregational meeting places.
To Jehovah’s Witnesses the Kingdom Hall is the most important building in any community. It may of itself be attractive in design and construction, but even if comparatively modest in external appearance, it is greatly appreciated as a center of true worship and the hub of theocratic activity in the community. It gives evidence that the Kingdom good news is being preached locally. It is a place that provides genuine spiritual refreshment and instruction for all those who are conscious of their spiritual need.—Matt. 5:3.
Reports from the field show that Jehovah continues to ‘speed up’ the ingathering work as the end of this present system of things rushes in upon us. It has truly occurred just as he said through the prophet Isaiah that “the little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation.” (Isa. 60:22) For example, in the United States and Canada there has been an increase in the peak number of publishers in the last three years of more than 84,000. This outstanding increase has required the formation of hundreds of new congregations, and this means that hundreds of new Kingdom Halls are needed. But it has not been possible for the local congregations to keep pace with the growth in terms of Kingdom Hall construction. This need is being felt more keenly as time goes on and the ingathering work continues apace.
This information was brought to our attention on Friday afternoon at the recent “Kingdom Unity” District Convention in the discourse “How Jehovah Has Kept Us United.” The speaker briefly reviewed a number of well-known events in the modern history of the Christian congregation and pointed to the striking fulfillment of Micah 2:12, where it is written: “In unity I shall set them, like a flock in the pen, like a drove in the midst of its pasture; they will be noisy with men.” In that setting the speaker, representing the Governing Body, announced a new arrangement to speed up the construction of Kingdom Halls or otherwise acquire additional ones, throughout the United States and Canada, as well as to provide assistance to congregations needing to enlarge or improve their present Kingdom Halls.
The announcement, although stated briefly in the convention talk, was received by the conventioners with great enthusiasm. Here are some of the details that will enable all the brothers everywhere to understand more fully just how the new arrangement will operate and how each one may have a share in this expression of “Kingdom Unity” in the days ahead.
The convention talk made reference to what is stated in Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry on page 61, namely: “The Kingdom Hall, as a place of worship, should not be a pretentious building designed to impress others. While its architecture may vary from place to place, its purpose is functional. (Compare Acts 17:24.) It should be a comfortable and convenient place for conducting Christian meetings that help us to grow spiritually and to learn about Jehovah, and that encourage us to share in his Kingdom service.” As a center of Bible education in the community, the Kingdom Hall also serves directly in getting the good news preached in our congregation territory.
A survey of seven large cities in the United States reveals that Kingdom Halls in those cities average three congregations each. Some Kingdom Halls are presently accommodating four or even five congregations. This situation has hampered further expansion of the Kingdom work in those areas in a number of ways.
When congregations become too large to be accommodated comfortably in the Kingdom Hall, some persons, especially new ones, become discouraged and do not attend meetings regularly. It becomes more difficult for the elders and ministerial servants to care for the needs of the brothers and sisters by rendering necessary personal assistance. When the Kingdom Hall is already being used by three or more congregations, the elders hesitate to recommend the formation of a new congregation because there will be nowhere for the new congregation to meet.
When more than two congregations use a Kingdom Hall, it becomes difficult for them to make convenient arrangements for special occasions such as the visit of the circuit overseer or the annual observance of the Memorial of Christ’s death; there may be obstacles in making adequate field service arrangements for each congregation involved. In these circumstances, when the same Kingdom Hall is used daily, certain problems are sometimes encountered with regard to maintenance or repairs. At times, excessive use of Kingdom Halls has led to difficulties with neighbors due to traffic congestion or similar problems that stem from overcrowding. The need to travel considerable distances makes attending meetings less convenient, and this hampers growth.
But why is it that Kingdom Hall construction has not kept pace with the increases in Kingdom publishers and with the formation of new congregations? Basically the problem is economic. Whereas it is true that some expansion into outlying areas has been difficult or impossible because the brothers have not been able to build or otherwise provide appropriate Kingdom Halls in those areas, the problem the organization faces today primarily is found in the urban areas where property values have skyrocketed to such an extent that individual congregations, including large ones, have been unable to purchase even a site for the construction of a Kingdom Hall. In addition, exorbitant real estate prices have placed existing buildings suitable for conversion into Kingdom Halls out of the reach of the brothers.
The announcement made at the “Kingdom Unity” District Convention proposed a way of overcoming these many obstacles, for the benefit and blessing of all the brothers. Very nicely this proposed arrangement also gives all the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses everywhere another way to demonstrate that “Kingdom Unity” is a reality among us.
As you may know, down through the years the Society has encouraged Kingdom Hall construction and has arranged for assistance to be given congregations by making loans from available funds. However, in recent times the need for new branch construction and printing equipment worldwide has made it necessary for Kingdom Hall loans to be curtailed. But this does not mean the Society is less interested in seeing all congregations meeting unitedly and conveniently in their own Kingdom Hall. We have been well aware of the need to speed things up. For this very reason much thought has been given to the present needs of the congregations, and this consideration of matters has resulted in the establishing of a new arrangement for giving the needed assistance by a means that appears to be equitable for all without putting an undue burden on any of the brothers. Indeed, the basic Bible principle that is put to work in setting forth this arrangement is what was stated by the apostle Paul at 2 Corinthians 8:14, 15. He was concerned with the material needs of the brothers in Palestine and made appropriate suggestions for the congregations of Asia Minor to give assistance.
The apostle referred to Jehovah’s loving arrangement to care for the needs of the Israelites during their wilderness journey of forty years, saying: “By means of an equalizing your surplus just now might offset their deficiency, in order that their surplus might also come to offset your deficiency, that an equalizing might take place. Just as it is written: ‘The person with much did not have too much, and the person with little did not have too little.’” (Compare Exodus 16:18.) But just how will this present need for new Kingdom Halls be handled?
In announcing the new program, the convention speaker said: “It behooves us to act with practical wisdom. Much prayerful and careful thought has been given as to how we might build more Kingdom Halls. To accomplish this in the interest of the united worship of Jehovah, the Society is inaugurating a new program beginning with the new service year. The purpose of this program will be to accumulate funds for Kingdom Hall construction or enlargement of existing halls. We believe it will be possible to accomplish much toward that end by establishing a Kingdom Hall fund at the Society’s headquarters in the United States and at the branch office in Canada.”
The arrangement is to start functioning on September 1, 1983. Congregations in the United States and Canada will set up a special contribution box marked “Society Kingdom Hall Fund.” Two pressure-sensitive labels inscribed with the words “CONTRIBUTIONS FOR SOCIETY KINGDOM HALL FUND” are being sent to each congregation for identifying the boxes used for this special fund. This arrangement will allow everyone in the congregation who wishes to do so to put in a voluntary contribution from time to time. Such contributions will be sent to the Society’s office at the end of each month and will be used exclusively to aid congregations needing funds for Kingdom Hall construction. All contributions will be acknowledged by the Society as having been received and will be credited to the Society Kingdom Hall Fund.—Compare 2 Kings 12:9-16.
Of course, those congregations that are now paying for their own Kingdom Hall and have a contribution box for the construction fund may continue to use that box. If they also desire to help other congregations, they may set up a contribution box for the Society Kingdom Hall Fund.
It will take a period of time for the Society Kingdom Hall Fund to accumulate sufficient money for a number of congregations to start borrowing from it. Therefore, those desiring to take advantage of this new arrangement should not write to the Society about their needs at this time. Please wait until notice is given to the congregations that sufficient funds have been accumulated for initiating that aspect of the arrangement. At that time congregations in need of funds for building Kingdom Halls, purchasing buildings for remodeling or remodeling and enlarging their existing Kingdom Hall may request loans from the Society Kingdom Hall Fund. Such loans will be repaid by the congregation or congregations using the Kingdom Hall. We will continue to have the congregations pay interest on the funds loaned so as to cover expenses involved in handling these matters and also to augment this fund.
Some congregations already own their Kingdom Hall, and it may be practically free from debt. Under this new arrangement, such congregations may wish to contribute to the Society Kingdom Hall Fund to help other congregations get suitable halls. They may decide to set aside the same amount of money as when they were paying off their loan and thus be able to make a monthly contribution to the Society Kingdom Hall Fund. If such an arrangement appears to be reasonable, the elders could present the matter to the congregation in the form of a resolution and let the congregation express their desire to help in this way.
When the monthly remittances are made to the Society for the Society Kingdom Hall Fund, secretaries will use the special Remittance form to be provided by the Society. A supply of these forms along with an explanatory letter will be sent to congregation secretaries sometime during this month of September. When making remittances for the Society Kingdom Hall Fund, it will be necessary to make out a separate check made payable to: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pa. As mentioned above, all contributions made to the Society Kingdom Hall Fund will be specifically acknowledged as such.
Earlier in this insert we called attention to the obvious overall need for speeding up Kingdom Hall construction in the United States and Canada. We have also set forth why it will take a united effort on the part of all the congregations in order to meet the present challenge and make sure that future growth is not hampered because of the lack of adequate meeting places for congregations everywhere. But before making any loans from the Society Kingdom Hall Fund, and while waiting for this special fund to be built up, the Society will be making a detailed survey of specific needs throughout this country and Canada. The Society will arrange for qualified brothers to conduct the survey in circuits and cities, and in this way it will be determined what specific needs are most urgent and where help from the Society Kingdom Hall Fund should first be directed. The survey will also determine in various localities what assistance is available in the way of skilled workers, organization and equipment for doing building or remodeling work, and so forth. With all this information on hand, it may be possible to assist congregations needing such information, and thus the Society Kingdom Hall Fund can be used efficiently in order to accomplish the most good in the shortest possible time. With the full cooperation of local elders, the survey will be completed within a short period of time
During the past few years, more than 150 Kingdom Halls have been constructed in the United States and Canada by large groups of brothers who assemble materials and workers in such a way as to complete the Kingdom Hall construction in two days, or on just one weekend. Groups of brothers have been organized across the country to give the needed direction for these projects. A fine witness to Kingdom unity as a reality has been given in each case. This arrangement is being taken into consideration in connection with this present special effort of the Society. A measure of direction regarding such projects may be passed on for the benefit of congregations that need additional help and that can avail themselves of the arrangement for constructing a Kingdom Hall on a weekend. More information on this point will be provided later.
The modern growth of the organization has also made it practical and advisable to construct larger facilities throughout the country for accommodating circuit assemblies. These facilities are designated Jehovah’s Witnesses Assembly Halls. Such projects are undertaken only with the approval of the Society. More of these facilities are needed in certain areas. Eventually the Society Kingdom Hall Fund may be used also for this purpose, but no inquiries should be made on this aspect of the program at this time We want to concentrate first on the need for building more Kingdom Halls for which there is a more urgent need.
By means of the “Kingdom Unity” District Convention program, we were made more fully aware of Jehovah’s rich blessings upon his united people today. Truly we have become, as expressed through Micah, “like a flock in the pen, like a drove in the midst of its pasture.” Jehovah has surely ‘set us in unity,’ and the rejoicing we now experience within the flock is aptly described by the words, “they will be noisy with men.”—Mic. 2:12.
The brothers everywhere are to be commended for having taken the initiative in Kingdom Hall construction over these many years. United effort on local and regional levels has resulted in the building of thousands of Kingdom Halls throughout the United States and Canada. A number of Assembly Halls have also been built in recent years. In their respective communities these buildings have not only served the direct needs of the congregations and circuits in a marvelous way but have also stood out as a witness to all those seeing them that Jehovah’s name people are active in the area. Additionally, while sustaining the costs involved in constructing and maintaining all these local projects, the brothers have continued to make generous contributions to the worldwide expansion of the Kingdom work.
In view of the enthusiastic response that greeted the initial announcement made at the “Kingdom Unity” District Convention concerning the Society Kingdom Hall Fund, we are confident that there will be a corresponding ready response from all the brothers as they receive these additional details. As further aspects of the arrangement are worked out and after more specific information is received by the Society through the survey of needs that will be made, still more details and clarifications will be provided.
But even now this Society Kingdom Hall Fund arrangement provides us with another opportunity to demonstrate in a most practical way that we are truly a united people, worshiping Jehovah as one organization in Kingdom unity. In thinking beyond our immediate congregational needs, we should consider the needs of our brothers in other parts of the United States who have a particular need for financial assistance in building Kingdom Halls. This will serve the additional good purpose of drawing us closer together in Kingdom unity as we more realistically look at the needs of “the entire association of [our] brothers in the world,” in terms of what we individually and as congregations can do to fill the obvious need. —1 Pet. 5:9.
May this entire arrangement become to each of us a matter of continued, urgent and heartfelt prayer. And may all of us seek ways to act in harmony with our prayers in order that this present need for more Kingdom Halls may be filled. As Jehovah continues to open the way for more of the “other sheep” to be gathered into the one flock of his united worshipers, may he also see to it that we have adequate facilities for helping all these new ones to become firmly established in the truth and grow to spiritual maturity. May the sound of our crying out joyfully and in unison continue to be heard and increase day by day until it reaches its anticipated crescendo with the bringing in of the very last one of those to whom Jehovah will extend his protection during the great tribulation. Truly our happiness does abound now and will continue to increase in the future with Jehovah’s rich blessing on our united worship of him as the only true God.