Are You a Young Witness for Jehovah?
1 If you were asked that question, would you say yes? Why? Is it because your parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses and they have studied with you? Perhaps they take you to the meetings and you go with them in field service. It may be that many of your friends and acquaintances are Jehovah’s Witnesses. But what about you personally? Are you a witness for Jehovah?—Isa. 43:10-12.
2 To be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, we need to take in knowledge of Jehovah, his purposes and requirements for us. Have you set aside time for personal study? Are you regular at it, just as you take time to eat regularly? (John 17:3) When you read the Bible and other theocratic publications, do you watch for information that tells you more about Jehovah, his thinking and his purposes so that you can properly express these things to others and thus truly be a witness for Jehovah? This is a fine thing to do as you read the recent as well as older publications of the Society.
3 Do you try to keep up with the Bible reading schedule for each week? Do you prepare for the meetings? Do you mark the answers to the questions for the Watchtower Study and Congregation Book Study? Do you comment at the meetings? In your own words? If you do, you are to be commended. (Heb. 10:23-25) It is evident that you are putting forth a fine effort to be a real witness for Jehovah in your youth.
4 Of course, to be a witness for Jehovah we must speak about him. Do you share regularly in the field service? Many young people set an excellent example in this. When you offer the magazines from house to house, do you draw the attention of the householder to a subject that you believe will be of interest to him? If so, you do well. When working with the regular offer, do you introduce the Topic for Conversation and read appropriate Bible verses to the householder? Do you ask for his comments on the points being discussed? When presenting the literature, do you point to specific information that you believe will interest the householder? It may be that these are areas in which you can make progress. If so, put forth the effort and pray that Jehovah will help you and bless you just as he has many other young publishers who are proving themselves to be effective witnesses for Jehovah.—Col. 1:9, 10.
5 To be pleasing to Jehovah, it is necessary that we eventually dedicate our lives to him and then, as Jesus commanded, be baptized in water. (Matt. 28:19, 20) You can be sure that as you take positive steps both to know and to do Jehovah’s will, he will help you to be a zealous, faithful young witness to his praise.—Heb. 6:10-12.