Planning Ahead for December
1 Before actually setting out to accomplish a goal, we have to make plans. For example, we may want to take a vacation that includes attending a convention. That may involve planning in advance for saving funds, getting rooming accommodations, having our automobile serviced for travel, and so forth. All these plans are necessary if we are to realize our goal.—Prov. 21:5.
2 In like manner, planning is necessary if we are to succeed in having a share in the auxiliary pioneer service. Tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters worldwide are taking up this avenue of service regularly and reaping many personal benefits. The following suggestions may help you in making your plans to have a share in the auxiliary pioneer service, perhaps as early as next month.
3 Select a convenient period when you can arrange to have the greatest amount of time to spend in field service so as to meet the goal of 60 hours. This may include using some vacation time you have available. Young people in school can make use of winter and spring vacation periods for auxiliary pioneering.
4 Months having five full weekends usually provide more available time for the field ministry. Notice that this December has five full weekends. Talk with others who might be able to work along with you either as pioneers or as publishers.—Prov. 20:18.
5 Work out a practical schedule so that you can use your time most wisely. Make plans to spend a good portion of your time in door-to-door work. Street and store-to-store witnessing as well as return visits and Bible studies may also be scheduled. Consider evening witnessing where this is possible, and cooperate with congregation arrangements for field activity during the week and on weekends. Lending your support and working along with other brothers and sisters can be mutually encouraging. Continue to keep the matter before Jehovah in prayer. (Col. 4:2) Ask for his direction as you plan to have a share in the auxiliary pioneer service.
6 Many have tasted the full-time service first as auxiliary pioneers, and this has stimulated them to become regular pioneers. Each day brings us nearer to the fulfillment of Jehovah’s grand promises regarding the end of this wicked system of things and the incoming Kingdom of righteousness by Christ Jesus. What a blessing it can be for those who are able to enjoy some form of full-time service! Plan ahead for it, and may Jehovah bless your efforts.