Presentations That Get a Response
1 Presentations that get a response are those that clearly show how the subject concerns the householder, that it is something he needs or can use. Throughout your conversation, help the householder to realize, “This involves me.” In preparing a presentation, we should ask ourselves: ‘What subjects are of greatest concern to people in my territory? What are their needs? How can I present the message to show that Jehovah has their needs in mind?’ Listed below are a few things that are of vital interest to people today. Can you use one of these or something similar in your presentation? Note also how points from the Revelation Climax book can be tied in.
2 Concern About Lack of Happiness: “We are speaking with people who are truly concerned with the quality of life in our community. Although people may have material necessities, many are not really happy with their lot in life. Do you think it is possible to have a truly happy life? [Allow for reply.] One of the keys to happiness is found in the Bible at Revelation 1:3. [Read.] Understanding what Revelation says about the future can bring you happiness. Note just one of its prophecies.” Read Revelation 21:3, 4 and then point to the illustration on page 302 of the Revelation Climax book.
3 Concern About the Future: “We are endeavoring to share with our neighbors a positive view of the future. Is that the way you try to look at life? [Allow for reply.] According to the Bible, we have reason to be optimistic if we do what it says at Revelation 1:3.”
4 Concern About Maintaining Good Health: “Many in our neighborhood are conscious of maintaining good health. Despite the precautions we take, however, we still suffer from sickness. Would you like to live in a world where everyone would enjoy perfect health and vitality? As unbelievable as this might seem, the Bible book of Revelation speaks of such a time and tells us that it is in the near future.” Read Revelation 21:3, 4. You could then point out the picture on pages 308-9 of the Revelation Climax book, showing how people will partake of the provisions for life during Christ’s Thousand Year Reign.
5 Concern About Pollution and the Environment: “In speaking with our neighbors, we have found that many are concerned about how our air, water, and food are being polluted. Do you think that the governments will ever be able to put a stop to this? [Allow for comment.] It is encouraging to note what the Bible says will happen to those who are ruining the earth.” Read Revelation 11:18b. Point out that besides removing those ruining the earth, it is God’s purpose for the meek ones to make the earth a paradise, as indicated at Psalm 37:10, 11 or Isaiah 65:21, 22.
6 For Those Religiously Inclined: “We are asking our neighbors a question: Do you think the book of Revelation was meant to be understood, or was it always to remain a mystery? [Allow for comment.] Many share your view. Notice what the Bible itself says at Revelation 1:3.”
7 As you earnestly endeavor to reach the heart of your listeners, those who are hungering for truth and righteousness will respond.—Matt. 5:3, 6.