Be Sure to Call Back
1 “Over the past two years, I have read [the Creation book] four times and continue to be impressed with the depth of study, scholarship, and documentation that went into its production. Please continue to publish it. This book should be in the hands of every person in the world. Should this happen, all the carping and confusion over our origins and the atheistic beliefs would be ended immediately.” So wrote a semiretired attorney, as reported in Awake! of April 22, 1992, page 32.
2 With such a fine endorsement for this publication, should not all of us want to give wholehearted support to getting the Creation book into the hands of as many interested persons as possible? Then we must be sure to make return visits to stimulate continued interest in this outstanding publication.
3 Not many of us have made an in-depth study of the numerous theories advanced by evolutionists. However, that is not necessary in order to provide honesthearted persons with overpowering evidence that the teaching of evolution is just another means used by Satan to discredit mankind’s Creator, Jehovah God. Do not hesitate to call back for fear that you may not be able to answer certain technical questions some householders might ask. The publication itself provides abundant documented proof for every statement it makes.
4 Additionally, there is a wealth of information beginning with chapter 16 and continuing through chapter 20 dealing with the solid teachings of the Scriptures on mankind’s origin, God’s purpose for this earth and man, and the choices facing mankind today. So there is much fine information available for making return visits.
5 If you feel somewhat hesitant about making return visits on some of your placements, perhaps you could take along someone from the congregation who has more experience or who is better informed about the teaching of evolution. This could be a school-age brother or sister who has been required to spend some time in school studying this subject and thus is more familiar with current theories of evolution. On the other hand, there may be someone in your congregation who once believed in evolution but who has since learned the truth of the Bible and now can be most helpful in refuting evolution’s false teachings.
6 Do not hesitate to direct attention to chapter 19 of the Creation book and use the Bible’s hope for the future as a basis for your return visit. That chapter has many points that can be used to encourage a person to give attention to the Bible’s promises for the future. Perhaps you could use the section beginning on page 236 at the subheading “The Earth Transformed,” followed by “An End to Poverty” and “No More Sickness, No More Death” on pages 238-9.
7 This fine publication has helped many people find the road to life. We may be able to help still others by encouraging them to read and consider what the Creation book has to say on the subject of life and how it got here.