Incite Others to Look Intently at Jesus
1 The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived is an outstanding book. Its 133 chapters can incite readers to look intently at Jesus and motivate them to imitate his example. It has been well stated that all the kings who ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as Jesus has. Those who look intently at Jesus will certainly be benefited.
2 Jesus taught his disciples about his Father and exemplified the precious qualities of God. Our hearts are moved when we consider Jesus’ superb ability as a teacher, his fearless leadership, and his tender compassion. When we recall his sufferings as he gave his life to ransom us, we are moved with appreciation! The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived can help people see Jesus this way.
3 Prepare Thoroughly: Be well prepared to initiate a Bible discussion that will incite others to look intently at Jesus. Family groups and others can practice together. Strive to stimulate interest and motivate people to read the Greatest Man book. It may take more than one conversation with a person to accomplish this. If initial interest is limited, we could leave a tract or perhaps a brochure or a magazine.
4 Our discussions from house to house during December will center on Jesus and encourage people to get to know him better. By featuring thoughts expressed in the Greatest Man book, we can help people see Jesus, not simply as a historical person, but as God’s Son and reigning King of the government that will solve all mankind’s problems.
5 As was stressed in Our Kingdom Ministry last month, we want to use our literature wisely. How can we determine whether a person is genuinely interested? If the person listens carefully, asks questions, or pays particular attention to what we read in the Bible, this may be an indication of sincere interest. Sometimes the householder expresses appreciation for our visits or states he has enjoyed reading our literature. If we show the book and he readily examines it or asks how he might get one, this shows genuine interest. If such interest is not evident, we might leave a tract, raise a question for future discussion, and arrange to make a return visit. When returning, we might be able to determine more clearly the extent of his interest.—See Our Kingdom Ministry, May 1990, page 7.
6 One person who does not always enjoy reading expressed appreciation for the Greatest Man book, saying that it made reading a treat at the end of his day. Let us help others feel the same way, putting forth every effort to incite them to look intently at Jesus by reading with genuine interest The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.