Be Training Yourself With Godly Devotion as Your Aim
1 The Theocratic Ministry School progressively trains us to ‘handle the word of the truth aright.’ (2 Tim. 2:15) Have you joined? If not and you qualify, why not benefit from this fine provision by enrolling now?
2 An important feature of the school is the weekly Bible reading program. Your personal study schedule should include reading the assigned chapters in the Bible so that in time you will have read the entire Bible.
3 Beginning with the 1993 school schedule, the Bible reading covered by Talk No. 2 will be read in its entirety with no interruption at intermediate points. This means that the student handling this talk will include explanatory information in his introduction and conclusion only. The brother assigned the Bible highlights should limit his comments on the verses assigned for Talk No. 2 so that the speaker for that talk can fully develop his information on the Bible reading.
4 The school overseer will mark the Speech Counsel slip for those giving Talks No. 2, 3, and 4. He is not expected to follow the order on the counsel slip but may offer specific counsel on points where the student needs to improve. There is no need to mark the counsel slip of the speaker who gives Assignment No. 1, although private counsel may be given when there is a need.
5 All who qualify should take full advantage of the spiritual provisions made by Jehovah, including the training offered in the Theocratic Ministry School. Such training can lead to a more productive ministry.—1 Tim. 4:7.