Are You Moving?
When the answer to that question is yes, there are many things that you and others need to take the initiative to do. By following the basic steps outlined below, you will quickly get established in your new congregation.
(1) Once you know where you are going, your present congregation secretary may be able to obtain the address of the Kingdom Hall of your new congregation. Upon arriving in that area, immediately locate the hall and confirm the congregation meeting times. If more than one congregation uses the Kingdom Hall, ask the elders to tell you in which congregation’s territory you are living. Do not delay in attending the meetings and in getting acquainted with the local elders.
(2) The secretaries of both your present congregation and your new one will cooperate in the transfer of the Congregation’s Publisher Record cards for you and your family. A letter of introduction will also be sent to the elders of your new congregation. (See the February 1991 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box.) The Congregation Service Committee there should advise the appropriate book study conductor of your arrival so that he can contact you and help you locate your new book study group.—Rom. 15:7.
(3) All publishers in your new congregation have a joyful part to play—that of getting acquainted with you and making you feel welcome. (Compare 3 John 8.) Of course, this means that you must be present at the meetings so that you can enjoy an encouraging and upbuilding interchange with the brothers and sisters.
(4) You should not wait until all the work involved in moving is completed before sharing in the field ministry with your new congregation. As you put Kingdom interests first, other matters will be cared for, and you will feel very comfortable in your new surroundings. (Matt. 6:33) When you are settled in your new home, likely you will want to invite some from the congregation to visit and get better acquainted.—Rom. 12:13b.
Moving is a big project. However, when everyone involved does what is recommended, there will be no spiritual setbacks. All will be favorably impressed with our loving Christian brotherhood.