What to Say About the Magazines
The Watchtower Aug. 1
“Do you agree that obeying this command of Jesus would add to happiness within the family? [Read John 13:34. Allow for response.] This article shows how Jesus’ teachings and example apply to each member of the family.” Feature the article on pages 16 and 17.
Awake! Aug.
“Do you think that human governments will successfully address the issue of global warming? [Allow for response. Then read Jeremiah 10:23.] You will enjoy this article. It highlights God’s solution to the problems that threaten our planet.”
The Watchtower Sept. 1
“Most people are familiar with Jesus’ words at Matthew 6:9. [Read.] Yet, many find it difficult to feel close to God as a Father. How do you think we can draw close to God? [Allow for response.] This magazine considers various attri-butes of our heavenly Father and how we can truly get to know him.”
Awake! Sept.
“Down through the centuries, debates have raged over the concept of life after death. What are your thoughts? [Allow for response.] Notice the belief expressed by Job. [Read Job 14:14, 15.] These articles present the Bible’s view of life after death.”