“Do All Things for the Sake of the Good News”
1. What is a Kingdom preacher willing to do for others, and why?
1 The apostle Paul felt a personal obligation to declare the good news to others. (1 Cor. 9:16, 19, 23) Similarly, our concern for the eternal welfare of people motivates us to go out of our way to share the good news with them.
2. When preaching, what adjustments are we willing to make, and why?
2 Preach Where and When People Can Be Found: A good fisherman casts his line or net, not where and when it is convenient for him, but where and when the fish are most likely to be found. We too, as “fishers of men,” may need to make some personal adjustments in order to find people in our territory and thereby enjoy more fully the privilege of gathering up “fish of every kind.” (Matt. 4:19; 13:47) Can we use early evening hours to contact people at their homes or the early morning hours to do street witnessing? Paul’s goal was “to bear thorough witness to the good news,” and he took advantage of appropriate opportunities to do so.—Acts 17:17; 20:20, 24.
3, 4. While we are in the ministry, in what ways can we adapt, and with what results?
3 Adapt Your Presentation to Meet the Need: Fishermen frequently adjust their methods in order to catch a particular type of fish. How can we present the Kingdom good news in an appealing manner to people in our territory? We must tactfully introduce a subject that is of concern to people in general and then listen carefully to their expressions regarding the matter. (Jas. 1:19) We might ask a viewpoint question to draw them out. (Prov. 20:5) In this way we will be able to adapt our presentation of the good news in a way that touches their lives personally. Paul became “all things to people of all sorts.” (1 Cor. 9:22) Adaptability is a key to reaching the hearts of people.
4 What a joy it is to share with people the “good news of something better”! (Isa. 52:7) May we “do all things for the sake of the good news” in order to reach as many as possible.—1 Cor. 9:23.