Are You Ready for Informal Witnessing?
1. What example shows that informal witnessing can be effective?
1 Informal witnessing can be very effective. The Bible contains numerous examples of informal witnessing with good results. (John 4:7-15) What might we do to prepare for this type of witnessing?
2. How can our dress and grooming complement our readiness to give a witness?
2 Dress and Grooming: Proper attention to our dress and grooming at all times will allow us to share our faith freely with others. (1 Tim. 2:9, 10) If we feel uncomfortable about our appearance, we will likely hold back from giving a witness. In contrast, our neat, clean appearance may in itself arouse curiosity. For example, while traveling, a well-dressed Witness couple were seated next to a Muslim man. Noticing their appearance, the man asked if they were Christians. This led to a three-hour Bible discussion.
3. Following Jesus’ example, how have you started a conversation?
3 Starting Conversations: When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s fountain, he began the conversation by simply requesting that she give him a drink. Similarly, we may be able to start a conversation by making a brief statement or by asking a simple question. Although we may at times be hesitant, by depending on Jehovah’s assistance, we may ‘muster up boldness’ to start a conversation.—1 Thess. 2:2.
4. How can we get ready to witness informally?
4 Creating Opportunities: Many publishers have found ways to witness informally. Review your circumstances, and think about the people you are likely to meet on a daily basis. Carry with you appropriate literature and a small Bible. Be observant, and take an interest in people around you. When you have given thought to opportunities that you may encounter during the day, you will likely be ready to give a fine witness.—Phil. 1:12-14; 1 Pet. 3:15.
5. Why should informal witnessing not be left to chance?
5 We have two good reasons for taking advantage of opportunities to witness informally—love for God and love for neighbor. (Matt. 22:37-39) In view of the urgency of the preaching work, informal witnessing cannot be left merely to chance. We should be ready to take advantage of every appropriate opportunity to share the Kingdom good news with others while there is yet time.—Rom. 10:13, 14; 2 Tim. 4:2.