God Sets Forth His Purpose for Man and WomanGod’s “Eternal Purpose” Now Triumphing for Man’s Good
18. Reasonably, with what end in view should another creative “day” be allowed for?
18 God’s purpose with reference to the earth was not fully accomplished by the end of the sixth creative “day.” The question remained, Could God accomplish this purpose, especially now that he was dealing with human creatures who had the power of personal will and whom he left free to choose their earthly course, either in line with God’s purpose or against it? Reasonably, then, another creative “day,” a seventh “day,” should be allowed for, during which to have the earth populated with a perfect human race, all of them dwelling together in love and peace and all speaking the same language in a global Paradise. The end of such a creative “day” could witness the purpose of God triumphantly accomplished, in vindication of Him as Creator and Universal Sovereign.
19. (a) Why should the seventh one be called a “creative” day? (b) What did God do with regard to that “seventh day”?
19 God did make known the fullness of his purpose. It did call for a seventh creative “day.” Our calling it a “creative” day does not mean that God kept on creating earthly things on the seventh creative “day,” but that it was inseparably connected up with the previous six creative “days” and it was of the same time length as those previous “days.” What does God’s own Word say about it?
“Thus the heavens and the earth and all their army came to their completion. And by the seventh day God came to the completion of his work that he had made, and he proceeded to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had made.