A Nation That Entered a Covenant with GodGod’s “Eternal Purpose” Now Triumphing for Man’s Good
25. Upon whom was the Law covenant made binding, and by the application of what to it?
25 Let us be sure to note that the Law covenant with Israel was made valid, solemnly binding upon the parties to the covenant, by the applying of the blood of the sacrificial victims. The record in Exodus 24:6-8 tells us: “Then Moses [as the mediator] took half the blood and put it in bowls, and half the blood he sprinkled upon the altar.
A Nation That Entered a Covenant with GodGod’s “Eternal Purpose” Now Triumphing for Man’s Good
26. What was represented by the applying of the blood to God’s altar, and what by the sprinkling of the people with the blood?
26 The altar that Moses had built at the base of Mount Sinai represented Jehovah God, to whom the sacrifices had been offered upon this altar. Hence, by the applying of half the blood of the animal victims to the altar, Jehovah God was representatively brought into the covenant and bound by it as a party to it.