Courageous Ministers District AssembliesThe Watchtower—1962 | October 1
—Who Is He? According to John.” Copious notes were taken as speakers whittled away pet trinitarian arguments until the doctrine of the Trinity was exposed beyond denial to be what it is—false! When the chairman announced that this absorbing subject could be had in a sixty-four-page booklet, a burst of applause resounded and crowds rushed toward the attendants to get their copies. During intermission many were seen happily thumbing through the booklet and checking the convincing arguments made therein.
Accurate knowledge of God’s Word is a propulsive power that drives ministers into action. And the hour-and-a-half demonstration on Friday night that revolved around the experience of a reporter who was gathering material for a story on Jehovah’s witnesses showed Jehovah’s organization to be one of action, where there is work for all. How deeply publishers appreciated seeing demonstrated before them Jehovah’s tender loving care by means of his organization! And many took advantage of these assemblies to express their appreciation by actively engaging in the field ministry, inviting the neighborhood people to come and share these spiritual blessings with them.
These assemblies reminded all that there is much to do and that there still is a great need for full-time pioneer ministers. Slightly over 3 percent now pioneer. Those in the audience were urged to pioneer if possible. In fact, they were told that a 5-percent goal for each congregation is most reasonable. Pioneering calls for great courage.
But can there not be love without deeds? No, not really. (1 John 3:18) Then, can there be deeds without love? Yes, but conventioners learned that these are worthless. (1 Cor. 13:1-8) They heard that they must learn to clothe all their deeds with love, that love is what should prompt them to serve God, that “love builds up,” that “love never fails.”—1 Cor. 8:1; 13:8.
Love, joy and sadness were mingled as the final speaker wrapped the whole assembly in admonishing tones, encouraging all to draw courage from the Word of God and to stand courageously before Jehovah, come what may, for Jehovah “is faithful that promised.” (Heb. 10:23) So filled with renewed courage, enlightened and refreshed, conventioners left their assembly points more determined than ever not to miss a single opportunity to tell others about Jehovah’s triumphant kingdom until He says, “It is enough!”
Like Jehovah’s Dewdrops Among Many PeoplesThe Watchtower—1962 | October 1
Like Jehovah’s Dewdrops Among Many Peoples
JEHOVAH’S dewdrops are beautiful; they are exceedingly many, and, most important of all, they are refreshing and life-sustaining.
Fittingly, in the Scriptures various persons and things are likened to the dew. Thus Moses likened his farewell prophetic song to the dew. (Deut. 32:2) The favor of the king is also likened to the dew. (Prov. 19:12) The loving unity of brothers is compared to the dew. (Ps. 133:1, 3) Jehovah even likens himself to the dew. (Hos. 14:5) And he also likens his faithful servants on earth, the remaining ones of spiritual Israel or Jacob, to dew: “The remaining ones of Jacob must become in the midst of many peoples like dew from Jehovah . . . that does not hope for man or wait for the sons of earthling man.”—Mic. 5:7.a
Concerning the beauty of the dew, W. A. Bentley, a leading American meteorologist, once stated: “The myriads of opalescent, iridescent drops sparkling over meadow and hillside of a dew morning create one of Nature’s loveliest effects.” God’s anointed servants are like dew in this respect, for they are prophetically spoken of, at Canticles 4:7, as being “altogether beautiful” in the eyes of their Shepherd-Bridegroom Jesus Christ. And so they also appear to Jehovah God and to men of goodwill: “How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!”—Rom. 10:15.
Just as dewdrops are many, so, today, those associating with Jehovah’s “dewdrops” and becoming like dewdrops themselves are exceedingly many, their numbers at the present time increasing some hundred a day and totaling well over nine hundred thousand now. Concerning these the psalmist David prophesied: