Tell the Good News from Day to Day
TODAY the nations of the world have no good news to offer to the distressed people. In fact, ever since 1914 this earth has been a place of ever-increasing bad news because of wickedness.
But there is good news to be had, and that from the only possible source of good news, Jehovah God. All his dedicated servants have been commissioned to bring good news to the people. Good news regarding what? Good news regarding the establishment of God’s kingdom. The fulfillment of Bible prophecy shows that we are living in the days of Christ’s second presence, in the days when the God of heaven has set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, at the time when Christ’s period of waiting has ended and he has begun to rule in the midst of his enemies.—Dan. 2:44, AV; Ps. 110:1, 2.
Now, therefore, applies the psalmist’s prophetic command: “From day to day tell the good news of salvation by him.” (Ps. 96:2)a This good news we must tell in all cleanness, “in holy adornment”; and we must tell God’s enemies to “be in severe pains because of him.”—Ps 96 Verse 9.
Note that we are to tell this good news from day to day, continually. Why? Because the days to tell it are limited before Armageddon strikes, in fact, are getting fewer with each passing day. And does not each passing day bring with it opportunities to tell the good news?
And how many different ways there are to tell this good news! To one another as members of a family or of a Christian congregation; to those not yet familiar with the good news by means of the printed page by offering it to them from door to door and on the streets. Also tell the good news from the public platform, to those coming to our homes, to those with whom we work or have business relations; nor would we overlook traveling companions. And where God’s truth is banned, tell the good news underground.
And not only must we ourselves tell the good news from day to day, but we must get others to tell it. That means patient training work, first of all by making return visits and then regularly studying the Bible with them. As they progress, show them their privilege to share in telling the good news. Were all ministers to do this to the best of their ability and opportunity, what increases could be expected in the coming months!
The inspired psalmist tells the sea, the open field and the trees of the forest to join in exulting before Jehovah because of his coming to judge the earth. (Ps. 96:11, 12) If all nature is to exult because of what it will mean to them, how much more so should we living, intelligent, speech-endowed and Bible-reading creatures sing praise to Jehovah and say that he has become king and tell the good news of his salvation from day to day!
Yes, if the heavenly sons of God and the morning stars had occasion to sing at the time of earth’s creation; if the Israelites had occasion to sing praise to Jehovah at the time of their deliverance at the Red Sea; if the heavenly hosts had occasion to sing for joy at the birth of the babe Jesus; truly, if anyone ever had occasion to exult and sing for joy, we now do because Jehovah has become King! And what a beautiful song we have to sing, one that will become the song hit of the universe! Jehovah is its Composer, who inspired it by his holy spirit; and the one teaching us to sing it is his Son, Jesus Christ. So let each one sing for joy and sing unitedly and unceasingly, telling the good news of salvation by Jehovah from day to day.
a For details see The Watchtower, December 15, 1956.