Can I Really Find Love at First Sight?Awake!—1982 | May 22
The Bible compares the physical beauty of some women to a gold nose ring. “As a gold nose ring in the snout of a pig, so is a woman [or a man] that is pretty but that is turning away from sensibleness.” (Proverbs 11:22) Nose rings were popular during Bible times and, in some lands, still are today. Customarily, these were worn through the right nostril and were exquisite, often made of solid gold, upon which precious jewels or corals were strung. Because of its location it usually is the first piece of jewelry you would notice when greeting the wearer.
However, if a person was pretty without having “sensibleness,” it was like taking that beautiful nose ring and putting it in the snout of a pig. If you kept your eye only on that glittering nose ring, what a rude awakening to find that its possessor was a pig! So, too, would it not be better to find out whether the person you are physically attracted to has “sensibleness,” or ‘sound intellectual judgment and discernment’?
Can I Really Find Love at First Sight?Awake!—1982 | May 22
[Pictures on page 18]
Even though a nose ring is a thing of beauty, when it is attached to the nose of a pig such beauty fades. The same is true of a beautiful person who turns away from sensibleness. It takes time to determine whether the beauty is only skin-deep