Using Life in Harmony with the Will of GodThe Watchtower—1961 | September 15
become like Satan to our Christian brothers, urging them to sell out their confidence in God in favor of the wisdom of the world! There is only one way to gain life and that is by living in harmony with the will of God. Confidence in God is never misplaced. As the Divine Physician he can do what no human doctor ever could: he can extend the life of his servants, not merely for a few troubled years, but for all eternity—if necessary, by a resurrection from the dead—in his glorious new world now so near at hand.—Ps. 23:4; Acts 24:15.
20. What should we do now so that we will be using our lives in harmony with the will of God?
20 With such marvelous prospects before us, let us be careful to live our lives in harmony with the will of God. Let us not grow careless, like the world, in our attitude toward the blood of our fellow men. Now is the time to show the greatest concern for their lifeblood by urging them to exercise faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, the only blood that has any real value in the eyes of God toward the saving of life. Point them to his kingdom; help them to learn its laws; encourage them patiently as they move along on the way to life. Make it your determination to be able to say, as did Paul: “I am clean from the blood of all men, for I have not held back from telling you all the counsel of God.”—Acts 20:26.
The Thought Behind the ProverbThe Watchtower—1961 | September 15
The Thought Behind the Proverb
IT IS interesting to compare the Bible book of Proverbs with the law of Moses. Moses recorded the direct commands Jehovah gave to guide his people in the way of security and life. Solomon and other writers of the Bible proverbs do not highlight God’s commands directly but show through observation that those laws are in our best interest. Often local phenomena are compared to human behavior to help us appreciate good and bad, wisdom or folly. Knowing the thought behind the proverb is an aid to understanding the lesson taught.
“Gray-headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness.”
Among some early peoples an elderly man unable to fight or hunt was considered an unhappy burden. Some tribes harshly put the aged to death! Contrast this with the kindness of Jehovah God, who commanded: “Before gray hair you should rise up, and you must show consideration for the person of an old man, and you must be in fear of your God. I am Jehovah.” (Lev. 19:32) The proverb calls attention to the fact that a life spent in the wholesome fear of Jehovah is beautiful in God’s sight and should be respected by all as a proper example to follow. But when old age finds one in the way of wickedness, his conduct is even more repugnant than a youth’s because of his years.
“Into the lap the lot is cast down, but every decision by it is from Jehovah.”
In ancient times, in a number of nations, doubtful questions were determined by lot. Stones or inscribed tablets were put into a vessel, shaken and then drawn out or cast forth. Jehovah was pleased to use the lot as a means of making known his will in the early history of his chosen people. It seems that the lots were thrown into