Build Your Future With Jehovah’s OrganizationThe Watchtower—1984 | July 15
8. Which organization is the only one with a lasting future, and why is this the case?
8 What does this mean for those having a wholesome fear of Jehovah? Why, it means that this world under Satan’s control has no future! Its time has nearly run out! Hence, Jehovah’s organization is the only one with which to build an eternal future.
Build Your Future With Jehovah’s OrganizationThe Watchtower—1984 | July 15
12. As Jehovah’s servants, what marvelous prospects do we have, but what do we need to do?
12 If our prime concern now is that of pleasing God and doing his will, we have truly marvelous prospects. (Psalm 40:8; Romans 12:1, 2) Indeed, if we are ‘in fear of Jehovah, a future exists for us and our hope will not be cut off.’ (Proverbs 23:17, 18) Everlasting life will be our lot if we continue to walk “the path of life” in fear of God. (Psalm 16:11) Along the way, though, we need to set and attain reasonable theocratic goals.