A Wise Proverb
“Honor is what the wise ones will come to possess, but the stupid ones are exalting dishonor.”—Prov. 3:35.
A person who exhibits true wisdom frequently is the recipient of honor that he did not seek. The unsought honor comes to him because other persons can see that he acts in accord with knowledge and insight, that he is an exemplary person. (Prov. 12:8; 22:29) This is because he seeks and adheres to divine wisdom. (Jas. 3:13, 17) How different it is with “the stupid ones”! They give top priority to things that do not bring true or enduring honor but that will eventually result in dishonor to them. Because of stupidity, they do not foresee what the result will be. How vast the difference between ‘the wise one’ and ‘the stupid one’!