The “Steward” as He Faces Har–MagedonThe Watchtower—1981 | October 1
“This is what the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of armies, has said: ‘Go, enter in to this steward, to Shebna, who is over the house,
The “Steward” as He Faces Har–MagedonThe Watchtower—1981 | October 1
7. (a) How did religious claimers of stewardship before the close of World War I in 1918 belie their claim? (b) How did the clergy of Christendom prove to be like Shebna?
7 Like Shebna in King Hezekiah’s government during Isaiah’s time, there are religious clergymen of Christendom who claim to have the exclusive right to the earthly stewardship under the Greater Hezekiah, Jesus Christ. But unlike the clergy, the faithful members of the anointed remnant of Jehovah’s Witnesses have striven earnestly to carry out in actuality the Kingdom stewardship. This has been outstandingly true since the close of the first world war that started in Christendom. By that time the warmongering clergymen of Christendom had inerasably made their record as regards the stewardship that they claim to have received from the King, Jesus Christ. Even by then the evidence had piled up that “the times of the Gentiles” or “the appointed times of the nations” had ended in the autumn of 1914. Yes, also, that then the glorified Jesus Christ had begun to reign in the heavens as the Greater Hezekiah. (Ezek. 21:25-27; Luke 21:24, Authorized Version; New World Translation) But did the clergymen of Christendom come out in support of Jehovah’s established kingdom by Christ? No!
8. After the League failed, what action did Christendom’s clergy take in contrast with that of the remnant of spiritual Israelites?
8 In 1919 the clergy of Christendom offered to serve as stewards of the proposed League of Nations.