What Kind of Ruler Does Mankind Need?The Watchtower—1973 | March 15
Have not the rulers of Christendom acted like the bad shepherds of Israel in dealing with their subjects who claim to be God’s “sheep”? Have these rulers not treated people as if they owned them rather than as the property of the God whom they professed to worship? Have they, as well as popes, cardinals and archbishops who have held political office, not been harsh rather than tender? Have they not fattened themselves materially off these poor “sheep” and lived in “shameless luxury”? (Rev. 18:7)
What Kind of Ruler Does Mankind Need?The Watchtower—1973 | March 15
The fat is what you eat, and with the wool you clothe your own selves. The plump animal is what you slaughter. The flock itself you do not feed.