Questions From ReadersThe Watchtower—1960 | June 1
hope, the blessings already enjoyed as a member of the New World society as well as those that still lie ahead might also be mentioned.
What about telling a prospective mate the unfavorable truth about one’s past, such as before one became one of Jehovah’s witnesses? If the subject comes up and one is asked, the rule would apply that the truth should be told as the other has a right to know. If one is not asked, then it would be up to one’s discretion and conscience. However, if it appeared that the information was vital to the other, and the other did not ask simply because he did not think such a thing likely, then the information should be volunteered, trusting in love and understanding to cover over the matter. If there is to be any disillusionment, certainly it is far better that it take place before marriage than afterward. Here the well-known principle stated by Jesus would apply: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean.”—Matt. 7:12.
There is one exception, however, that the Christian must ever bear in mind. As a soldier of Christ he is in theocratic warfare and he must exercise added caution when dealing with God’s foes. Thus the Scriptures show that for the purpose of protecting the interests of God’s cause, it is proper to hide the truth from God’s enemies. A Scriptural example of this is that of Rahab the harlot. She hid the Israelite spies because of her faith in their God Jehovah. This she did both by her actions and by her lips. That she had Jehovah’s approval in doing so is seen from James’ commendation of her faith.—Josh. 2:4, 5; Jas. 2:25.
This would come under the term “war strategy,” as explained in The Watchtower, February 1, 1956, and is in keeping with Jesus’ counsel that when among wolves we must be as “cautious as serpents.” Should circumstances require a Christian to take the witness stand and swear to tell the truth, then, if he speaks at all, he must utter the truth. When faced with the alternative of speaking and betraying his brothers or not speaking and being held in contempt of court, the mature Christian will put the welfare of his brothers ahead of his own, remembering Jesus’ words: “No one has greater love than this, that someone should surrender his [life] in behalf of his friends.”—Matt. 10:16; John 15:13.
● At Daniel 10:13 Michael is referred to as “one of the chief princes.” Are we to understand that there are other chief princes in heaven besides Michael?—M. P., U.S.A.
Yes, there is one other Chief Prince in heaven, Jehovah God himself. He is referred to as the “prince of princes” at Daniel 8:25, AS. See the book “Your Will Be Done on Earth,” pages 218, 219, 316.
However, while Jehovah is the only other Chief Prince in heaven, Satan the Devil also has his chief princes, who today are in the vicinity of the earth, having been cast down with Satan at the conclusion of the war in heaven described in Revelation, chapter 12. See the book “New Heavens and a New Earth,” page 29.
AnnouncementsThe Watchtower—1960 | June 1
As workers together with the Right Shepherd Christ Jesus and his Great Shepherd Jehovah God, we know we must be ‘tending our shepherd’s flock skillfully.’ (Ps. 78:72) Throughout June extend help to “other sheep” by presenting the book From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained and a booklet, on a contribution of 75c.
Have you made your final arrangements to attend one of the Peace-pursuing District Assemblies this summer? The first ones are scheduled this month! Manchester, England, June 16-19; Nashville, Tennessee, and Fort Worth, Texas, June 23-26; Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 30–July 3. For details of these or the one nearest you write the publishers of The Watchtower at once. Plan to be present for all four days of the assembly.
July 10: Speak from a Good Heart. Page 329.
July 17: Speech and Salvation. Page 335.