When All Nations Collide, Head On, With GodWhen All Nations Collide, Head On, With God
54. How extensive will God’s victorious kingdom then become, as pictured by the stone that struck the image?
54 God’s victorious kingdom, pictured by the stone that struck the symbolic image on the feet, will then grow as that stone did and become like a “large mountain” that fills the whole earth. (Daniel 2:35) God’s kingdom by his Christ will be everywhere on this earth. What a privilege it will be to survive the final collision of the nations with God and live in that kingly mountain!
When All Nations Collide, Head On, With GodWhen All Nations Collide, Head On, With God
50. How does the crash now come, and what does the prophecy show as to whether the United Nations will save the situation for the “image” of political rule?
50 Crash! comes the head-on collision! See there the United Nations organization! Will it be able to stand its ground and repel the divine onslaught? Divine prophecy says No! The Kingdom stone, cut out of God’s universal mountain and hurled by God’s own hand, now strikes the symbolic “image” of man’s domination of the earth. As stone smashes into iron, there is a deafening Bang! Listen! Something is being crushed! Is it the stone that is being crushed? No! but it is the Stone that is crushing all the ironlike contenders for world domination by human rulers! Listen now to that ear-grating noise of a grinding! It is the Stone grinding to powder the entire fallen “image” of devil-controlled political rule that started with the golden “head” of Babylon!
51. What will happen to the powdery vestiges of the symbolic “image,” and who will remain on the battlefield, victorious?
51 The stormwind of God’s righteous anger will blow away all such powdery vestiges of the anti-God political “image,” like chaff from the threshing floor. All traces of the old system of things will be gone for all time! The “war of the great day of God the Almighty” at Har–Magedon, as described in the last book of the Bible (Revelation 19:11-21), will end with Jehovah God and his military forces of heaven the only ones remaining on the field of battle, gloriously victorious. The issue of world domination will have been settled forever, in favor of Jehovah!