Festival to Be Celebrated by BillionsThe Watchtower—1980 | February 15
For instance, in Zechariah 14:16-19 these celebrators of the antitypical festival of booths at the present time are multiplied:
9 “And it must occur that, as regards everyone who is left remaining out of all the nations that are coming against Jerusalem, they must also go up from year to year to bow down to the King, Jehovah of armies, and to celebrate the festival of the booths.
Festival to Be Celebrated by BillionsThe Watchtower—1980 | February 15
12. Scripturally, then, who is meant by “everyone who is left remaining out of all the nations that are coming against Jerusalem”?
12 Here now comes the opportunity of the one who is meant by “everyone who is left remaining out of all the nations that are coming against Jerusalem.” (Zech. 14:16) Who now could that be? Scripturally, it would be “everyone” of the billions of human dead who died before the foretold “great tribulation” and its “war of the great day of God the Almighty” at Har–Magedon and for whom there is hope of an earthly resurrection.c Jesus Christ spoke of a time of resurrection for “all those in the memorial tombs.” (John 5:28, 29; Rev. 20:12, 13) Unnumbered former Egyptians will be among those raised from the dead, but there will then be no land division called Egypt, nor any other national divisions of former times.
13. Under Christ’s kingdom, what proper recognition of things must those resurrected on earth make, or, otherwise, what will happen to them?
13 Under Christ’s millennial kingdom all those resurrected on earth will be taught the one true religion. Will all conform to it? For anyone to gain eternal life he will have to come to Jehovah’s spiritual temple that is associated with the “heavenly Jerusalem.” He will have to celebrate the antitypical festival of the booths in the temple’s earthly courtyard where the “great crowd” of Har–Magedon survivors already find themselves. (Rev. 7:9-15) He will have to recognize the “princes in all the earth” whom the King Jesus Christ will “appoint” to supervise earth’s affairs. (Ps. 45:16) Above all, those resurrected on earth must recognize Jehovah as God and Universal Sovereign, as “king over all the earth” by means of Jesus Christ. (Zech. 14:9) Otherwise, the Great Rainmaker Jehovah will not pour down his blessings upon them through Christ. (Zech. 10:1) For such unblessed individuals this will be like existing in a drought-stricken area, this meaning eventual death.