God Knows and Protects His OwnThe Watchtower—1951 | January 1
God. That is why Paul said to Timothy, “For all that, the solid foundation of God stays standing, having this seal, ‘Jehovah knows those who belong to him,’ and, ‘Let everyone mentioning the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness.’” (2 Tim. 2:19, NW) It is necessary, then, for every creature who loves life to “do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright”. (2 Tim. 2:15, NW) This is the time to shun the empty speeches of those who have so much to say but who do not have God’s backing, much like Korah and the 250 older men of influence of the Israelites, all of whom were fighting against God’s servants. Individually, everyone must see to it that he understands the Lord’s Word, studies it well and keeps presenting himself before God in service so as to be an approved person. Doing the work that is assigned to you to do is what counts. If you do that which is proper in the Lord’s sight, he will bless you richly and you will find that you have an abundance. Service in God’s organization anywhere satisfies! When one turns to the Father of all mercy and the God of all comfort and relies on Jehovah, doing his will, he finds that great stores of blessing are on hand for him. One must truly be interested in the work of God and want to know him well. “Jehovah knows those who belong to him,” and we, his creatures, should certainly want to know him. To do so means life everlasting.
Theocracy’s IncreaseThe Watchtower—1951 | January 1
Theocracy’s Increase
1. Why did the young man have a measuring line? What was the angel told to tell him?
THE prophet Zechariah, an individual used by Jehovah, had a vision of a man with a measuring line. The account, according to the second chapter of Zechariah, tells us that this young man with a measuring line in his hand went out to measure Jerusalem and to see how broad and how long it was. Just as the angel who was talking to the young man was going away, another angel came forth to meet him and said, “‘Run, speak to that young man yonder, saying, “Jerusalem shall be inhabited like unwalled villages, because of the mass of men and beasts within her.” And I will be unto her,’ is the oracle of the LORD, ‘a wall of fire round about her, and I will be the splendor within her.’” (Zech. 2:4, 5, AT) This young man was certainly interested in Jerusalem or he would not have taken time to find out how broad or how long it was.
2. Whom does the young man picture? Why is the city unwalled?
2 Today we find in the earth a group of Christian men and women who, like this young man, are sincerely interested in the Jerusalem which is above and which is the mother of us all. (Gal. 4:26, NW) They are really interested in God’s organization and in its expansion. Walls are not its boundaries. No, it is an expanding city like an unwalled village. It would be hard to take accurate measurements, because of its constant growth due to incoming crowds. The